Full Dresses, February 1805

Fashions of London and Paris, February 1805.

“London Full Dresses.”

Both models wear simple, but elegant, bandeaus in their hair, with large ostrich plumes. The plumes on the left are a bit higher than was typical at this time. The ones on the right that are worn to swoop down are seen more often in this period. Ostrich plumes with evening wear will go out of fashion in a few years, but return again in 1815-16 and beyond. The bandeau will remain a popular headdress throughout the Regency, allowing elaborate, high hairstyles to be shown to their best advantage.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“TWO FULL DRESSES. Fig. 1–A robe of ruby-coloured velvet, made loose from the shoulders in front, and very low in the back; short sleeves of velvet and white crape. The robe worn over a dress of white crape, the front of which is looped down with a diamond brooch, and trimmed with a quilling of blond lace. The hair dressed with a bandeau of diamonds and white ostrich feathers. White kid shoes.

“Fig. 2–A round dress of gold-coloured crape embroidered with silver, the back and sleeves of white satin; the sleeves full, and looped up with pearls or diamonds. The hair dressed with an Etruscan bandeau and Ostrich feathers. White shoes.”




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