Morning Dress, June 1812

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, June 1812.

“Morning Dress”

Morning Dress June 1812

Ackermann’s fashion prints, especially between 1809 and 1812, featured children more often than any of the other ladies’ magazines. Perhaps one of their important target audiences was young mothers. There are such charming details here, including the little red shoe the child has kicked off, the mother’s sewing basket, and the way the child looks about to embrace his mother. Or perhaps tug at her cap!

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“MORNING OR DOMESTIC COSTUME. A plain muslin or cambric round robe, trimmed round the throat with net lace, or rolls of muslin. A loose Circassian pelisse of cerulean blue sarsnet, with low curved bosom; epaulet and cuffs of antique lace, and the skirt trimmed entirely round with a fancy floss fringe or gimp, and confined at the bottom of the waist with a ribbon, tied with short bows and ends in front. A foundling mob cap, composed of lace, and ribbon the colour of the pelisse. A small sprig of geranium placed in the hair on the left side. Spanish slippers of cerulean blue kid, and gloves of a lemon colour or pale tan. Prevailing colours are primrose, lilac, or blossom colour, and pale pink.”

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