Opera Dress, July 1816

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, July 1816.

Opera Dress July 1816“Opera Dress”

Though the model is seated, the fullness of the skirt is clearly shown. By this year, skirts were becoming fuller and more bell-shaped, and long sleeves were much looser and full. In another ten years, both these elements would become exaggerated to wider A-line skirts and huge balloon sleeves.

Note the elegant Regency chair. Ackermann included prints of furniture in his magazine, and often showcased pieces in his fashion prints as well.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“This dress is composed of white lace, and is worn over a rich soft white satin slip. The skirt is trimmed, in a style of peculiar elegance, with lace festooned at regular distances; the festoons are edged by a plain band of byas satin, and finished by pearl ornaments of a very novel and pretty shape. The body, composed also of lace, is cut byas, and is richly ornamented round the bosom with pointed lace.  Plain long sleeve, very full, except as towards the wrist, which is nearly tight to the arm, and elegantly finished with lace. The hair, which is ornamented only with a wreath of French roses, is parted in front, and simply dressed in loose curls, which fall very low on each side. The hind hair forms a tuft at the back of the head. Necklace, ear-rings, and bracelets of pearl. White satin slippers, and white kid gloves. A blush-coloured French silk scarf is thrown carelessly over the shoulders.

“We are indebted for the very elegant and tasteful dress of a lady of rank, by whom it has been just introduced.”



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