Promenade Dresses, November 1802

Fashions of London and Paris, November 1802.

Promenade Dresses November 1802“Promenade Dresses. London. Nov. 1802.”

This magazine did not often depict fashion models seated, so this one is a bit of a rarity.  The fashions shown here are rather loose fitting in both body and sleeve. Body and sleeves are somewhat more slender in evening wear, and will become more generally close-fitting in all types of dresses within the next year or so.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Fig. 1.–A round dress of thick white muslin, the body full, and drawn close round the bosom; full long sleeves. A fur tippet of brown bear. A small black velvet bonnet, ornamented with a black feather.

“Fig. 2.–A pelisse of dark silk, made quite high in the neck with a collar, and drawn close round the bosom; the back full; the pelisse trimmed all round with black lace. A short dress of cambric muslin, trimmed round the bottom with a narrow flounce. A straw hat, ornamented with a wreath of flowers.”

Following the print descriptions is a section entitled General Observations:

“The prevailing colours are purple, puce, scarlet, and green. Cloaks have completely disappeared, and fur tippets and pelisses trimmed with lace have taken their place. In full dress, feathers are he prevailing ornaments for the head. Lace continues to be worn in every part of the dress.”


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