Theatre Dress, October 1816

La Belle Assemblée, October 1816.

“Summer Theatre Costume.”

This ensemble is unusual in so many ways: the vertical stripes of the bodice, made of embroidered rows of open work; the large toque style hat (all hats were very large at this time) topped with a plume of “zebra feathers;” and the shoes with an unusually high vamp. Altogether, it’s a rather strange costume, but also somehow very striking.

I would not, however, want to be seated behind this woman at the theater, with her giant toque and zebra feathers.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Round flounced dress of leno or fine India muslin, the body made high in the chemisette form, lightly embroidered in rows of open work, and lined with peach-coloured sarsnet, surmounted by a narrow ruff of fine lace. Armenian toque of white tulle and satin, twisted à-la-limaçon, finished by a plume of zebra feathers, peach colour and white; the hair divided on the forehead. Cachemire shawl folded in elegant drapery over the form. Limeric gloves, and shoes of peach colour.”

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