Between Friends

ladysmag250“On Tuesday, February 26, a duel was fought between Lord Falkland and Mr. Powell, in which the former received a ball in the right side of the belly, of which wound he died on Thursday morning. Lord Falkland dined at Mr. Powell’s house with a large party on the Saturday preceding the duel; the party broke up early and Lord Falkland and Mr. Powell went to the Opera together, having taken plenty of wine. They returned from the Opera to Stephenson’s Hotel on Bond Street, and parted as they had met, most intimate friends. On Sunday evening, Lord Falkland looked in at Stephenson’s again, and on espying Mr. Powell, accosted him with words similar to these: “What, drunk again tonight, Poggy?” It is understood that neither were at this time perfectly sober. Mr. Powell did not relish the mode in which he’d been accosted, and after a retort, Lord Falkland snatched a cane from a gentleman’s hand and used it about his friend. On the following morning, Lord Falkland went to Mr. Powell’s house and apologized, attributing his rash conduct to inebriation. Mr. Powell observed that he could not accept his lordship’s apology, and issued the challenge.”

The Lady’s Magazine, March 1809

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