Evening Full Dresses, March 1810

La Belle Assemblée, March 1810.

“Evening Full Dresses 1810”

Evening Full Dresses, March 1810

This print shows two examples of the same dress, with variations in fabrics, colors, and trimmings. This would have been helpful for the professional or home dressmaker to see different ways in which the same pattern could be used, as well as seeing both the front and back of the dress.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“No. 2–Evening Full Dress. A white satin round dress, with half yard train, laced up the back and seams with gold twist, ornamented round the neck with a full twill of frosted satin or white crape, and down the front and at the wrist with gold braiding, and small drop buttons. It is made to sit high on the neck; cut to a point in the centre of the bosom and the back; a gold band encircles the waist. A white satin Emsdorf helmet trimmed with gold, ornamented with two white craped ostrich feathers. White satin shows embroidered with gold; white kid gloves; gold necklace and ear-rings; cornelian brooch. The hair dressed in ringlets on each side of the face, with a long Theresa curl falling over the left shoulder.

“No. 3–Second Figure. An India muslin train over a white satin petticoat. A bodice of green velvet, ornamented at the seams with gold braiding, and trimmed round the neck with a twill of green crape or velvet. A Spanish cap, with green craped ostrich feathers.”


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