Full Dress

Full Dress, Overview

Full dress would have been the most formal of all evening wear, for both men and women. Full dress was worn only for very formal occasions, such as a ball or a formal reception or party. For women, prints labeled “Evening Dress” or “Ball Dress” would fall under the umbrella of Full Dress....

Ball Dress, February 1818

"Evening Dress of rich white satin, the skirt tastefully ornamented with double roulleau of white gossimere net...

Evening Dresses, April 1795

"Petticoat of rich striped silk gauze. Polonoise of scarlet velvet with Circassian sleeves, and full sleeves of striped silk gauze. Small muslin handkerchief within the belt...

Evening Dresses, October 1796

"Petticoat of clear muslin, embroidered in colours, trimmed with blond lace and satin riband...

Ball Dress, September 1797

Petticoat of tape-striped fine muslin, double flounced with broad lace. Blue silk corset, clear muslin chemise body over it...

Evening Mourning Dress, January 1798

"Black satin striped dress; short sleeves trimmed with black fringe; black crape trimming round the neck, looped on the shoulders, and fastened before with bugle buttons...

Full Dresses, March 1798

"A short Robe of plain white or gold spotted Muslin, with train Petticoat: the Whole trimmed with flat gold Trimming, and fastened on the left Side with a gold Cord and Tassel...

Ball Dress, September 1798

"Gauze petticoat, trimmed at the bottom with a silver tissue ribband. Jacket of silver tissue, short close sleeves....

Evening Dress, November 1798

"Petticoat of fine muslin, with a rich embroidered border. Robe of silver muslin, buttoned in the front of the body with cornelian buttons...

Full Dresses, November 1798

"The Nelson cap, of white or black, or other coloured satin or velvet, the form that of a sailor's cap, the sides and top the same, trimmed round the sides and over the top with oak or laurel...

Full Dress, February 1799

" It consists of white muslin, trimmed all round with crimson and silver. Sash of crimson velvet, tied in a loose bow on one side and trimmed to correspond. Cap of crimson velvet, with silver ornaments."...

Full and Half Dresses, March 1799

"Turban of white crape, trimmed with silver, oriental plume. Robe of white muslin, and waistcoat of scarlet muslin, or kerseymere. Trimmed with silver and fur. Silver epaulets and lacings...

Full Dresses, May 1799

"The Greek vest of blue muslin, fastened by a diamond clasp on the right shoulder, with a silver girdle and trimming of silver round the skirt...

French Evening Dress, May 1799

The dress is quite simple, very much in the neo-classical style. The only ornamentation is the pink trimming...

Evening Dresses, July 1799

"Muslin round dress, trimmed round the neck with lace; loose, full sleeves, and white or colored satin bands at the bottom; silver band round the waist. The hair drawn close up behind, and large curls or folds on the top, interwoven with a silver bandeau, with two large ostrich feathers....

Full Dresses, July 1799

"Dress of blue muslin, plain, or richly spangled with silver. Silver trimmings all round with silver tassels. Turban of blue, ornamented with three jewellery flowers...

Full Dresses, August 1799

"Fine white muslin robe trimmed with lace, and round the neck in Vandyke scollops, ornamented with small gold buttons...

Evening Dress, October 1799

"The front and side hair cropped; part of the crown in bandeaux, and the hind hair turned up plain, returned in ringlets, and tied at the top with two strings of pearls; bandeau of orange and silver tissue riband. Orange-coloured military feather on the right....

Full Dresses, January 1800

"White muslin round dress with long train, trimmed all round with brown satin ribband ornamented with chenille. White crape corset trimmed in the same manner...

Full Dresses, February 1800

"White muslin dress; over the body a corset a la militaire, made of blue velvet, trimmed with brown fur and gold, and fastened in front with gold cord and tassels...

Walking and Evening Dresses, March 1800

"Silk pelice, trimmed with broad black lace. Hat of purple chip, or willow, with bow behind, and white roses on the left side...

Dancing Dress and Morning Walking Dress, April 1800

"Body and drapery of pink muslin or crape, with a long train of white muslin, drawn for dancing through the pink drapery, sleeves of black lace. Petticoat of white sarsnet...

Walking Dress and Full Dress, June 1800

"Dress of white muslin made and worn very low in the neck and bosom, and fastened down the front with rows of ribband. The sleeves loose....

Evening Dress, December 1800

"Robe of white satin, the bottom embroidered in gold; short sleeves: the whole trimmed with fur, and ornamented at the top and bottom of the sleeves with diamond loops...

Ball Dress, June 1801

The tunic crosses only one shoulder. It is white, trimmed with blue, with blue fringe at the hem. It is tied under the bosom with cord, ending with tassels. The dress is pink with bishop's sleeves and a demi-train...

Full Dresses, June 1801

"The Egyptian dress made of white and buff-coloured muslin. The buff muslin forms a drapery which is fastened on the right shoulder with a clasp...

Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1801

"Fancy dress of worked muslin, trimmed with lace and silver: the sleeves full and confined with silver. Turban of crape, ornamented with silver...

Walking and Full Dresses, December 1801

"Round dress of thick white muslin. The Hungarian cloak made of nacarat, or scarlet silk; trimmed all round with broad black lace or fur...

Evening Dresses, December 1801

"A white satin cap, trimmed with lace; a wreath and strings of pearls. A dress of white muslin; the sleeves enriched with silver spangles and wreaths of pearl...

Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1802

"A round robe of pink muslin; the train very long, the back full with lace let in across, white muslin sleeves worked round the bottom and trimmed with lace...

Full Dresses, September 1802

"A spencer of lace, embroidered with gold, over a dress of pink sarsnet...

Evening and Walking Dresses, January 1803

The walking dress in this print includes a fabulous fur muff, my favorite Regency accessory, as well as a brightly striped lining to the dark pelisse. The same striped fabric is featured on the bonnet. The evening costume includes an overdress or robe that appears to be trimmed in white fur or swansdown....

French Evening Dress, March 1803

The bodice is made of white lace, with a short ruffle beneath the bosom. The sleeves are quite long, with loose cuffs hanging low on the hand...

Full Dresses, March 1803

"A round dress of yellow silk or muslin; the back made plain, and very low on the shoulders, with a small frill of white lace at the bottom of the back...

Full Dresses, June 1803

"A short robe and petticoat of white crape over white sarsnet, the petticoat made very long and trimmed round the bottom with silver chefs; the robe made short in front, with a handkerchief corner behind...

French Evening Dress, June 1803

The lace overdress has a scooped back and short straight sleeves. Beneath it we can see a plain white dress with quite a long hem and a demi-train...

Full Dresses, February 1804

"A Turkish robe of fine, plain, or worked muslin; turban sleeves. A Mamaluk turban, ornamented with beads, and a white ostrich feather. White shoes...

Full Dresses, July 1804

" A full dress of sprigged muslin over a silk slip, short sleeves of lace. A cap of white lace over silk. White ostrich feathers. White gloves...

French Full Dress, December 1804

This beautiful red velvet robe with a long hem and demi-train is trimmed at the hem with piping of the same fabric that has been wrapped in what looks to be thin gold ribbon or cord...

Full Dresses, February 1805

"A robe of ruby-coloured velvet, made loose from the shoulders in front, and very low in the back; short sleeves of velvet and white crape. The robe worn over a dress of white crape, the front of which is looped down with a diamond brooch...

Full Dresses, March 1805

"A short dress and train of fine muslin, embroidered all round with gold. The hair dressed with a diamond bandeau, and white ostrich feathers...

Promenade and Evening Dresses, April 1805

"Dress of plain white muslin, with long sleeves; a white muslin cloak, with lace let in all round. Straw hat turned up in front, and ornamented with a feather...

Installation Full Dresses, May 1805

"Morning installation dress of royal purple and silver. The sleeves and back of white and silver silk, the sleeves festooned and ornamented with diamonds. The hair dressed with a bandeau of diamonds and white feathers....

Promenade and Ball Dress, June 1805

"A dress of white muslin, made plain over the bosom, with short sleeves; a cloak of apple-blossom silk, trimmed with deep white lace. A white satin hat trimmed with crape...

Half-Mourning Evening and Walking Dresses, October 1805

"A dress of black crape over white sarsnet, the dress made very long, and trimmed and ornamented with black velvet and bugles; a tucker of the same, drawn over the bosom...

Evening and Walking Dresses, January 1806

"A morning dress of long cloath, with robings fastened to the shoulders, which hang loose to the bottom; the dress made to button close over the bosom, and high in the neck...

French Ball Dress, February 1806

The bodice (cut very low) and all the red trim is of velvet. The full short sleeves have the look of a slashed sleeve, but it appears that the red velvet ribbon is simply applied over the white sleeve...

Evening Dresses, March 1806

"A dress of lace-striped blue muslin over an under dress of white satin. The front and bottom of the dress, trimmed with reverse plaitings of white satin riband. The sleeves of white satin, very short. and rather full...

Walking and Full Dresses, April 1806

"Straw Hat, trimmed with Swansdown. Pelisse of Black Velvet, with a deep Lace round the Bottom. Swansdown tippet. Half Habit Shirt. Buff Gloves...

Full Dresses, April 1806

"A loose robe of undressed crape over a dress of white satin, or sarsnet, embroidered all round with silver; the sleeves quite plain and embroidered to correspond with the dress. A tiara of silver or steel, adorned with gems or cornelians....

Morning Dress and Slight Mourning Full Dress, January 1807

"A Spanish vest and petticoat of Italian crape, worn over white satin, with a rich border of embossed velvet, terminating at the extreme edge with a narrow Vandyke or fringe of bugles...

Walking Dress and Ball Dress, January 1807

"A frock of white Italian crape, over a white satin slip; the latter edged with a narrow border of pink velvet at the feet; the frock festooned in gentle curves round the bottom...

French Ball Dress, January 1807

The under-dress is white taffeta with an interesting border at the hem of blue flowers and ribbons. The tunic, or over-dress, is made of celestial blue crepe...

Full Dress and Walking Dress, February 1807

"A Roxborough jacket of soft white satin, flowing open in front, and down each side the figure, in regular pointed drapery...

Evening Full Dress, February 1807

"Evening Full Dress for Gentlemen is composed of a dark double-breasted blue coat, ornamented with basket or plain gilt metal buttons; the coat made lapelled, and with pocket flaps at the side, but the pockets put in the plaits behind. A white quilting marseilles waistcoat, single-breasted; the collar to rise tolerably high,...

Full Dresses, March 1807

"A dress of white crape over a white satin slip; the dress made very low in the back, and laced with white satin ribband; the sleeves full and laced to correspond with the back...

Carriage Dress and Full Dress, April 1807

"A CAPOTE A LA RUSSE, is composed of a mantle and head-dress in one, to cover the figure; it is made of sky blue velvet or silk...

Morning and Evening Dress, May 1807

"Full Evening Dress for Gentlemen consists of a blue coat, lappeled, flat gilt buttons, and black velvet collar; or a dark silver or brown coat, lappeled, covered buttons, and collar of the same cloth...

Walking and Full Dresses, June 1807

"A plain round gown of French cambric, or jaconet muslin; long sleeve, wrapt front, and spenser back. Open shirt, frilled round the neck with scolloped lace...

Carriage and Full Dresses, June 1807

"A short train of fine India muslin, enriched with a magnificent border of white satin round the bottom, crosses the front and continues to the end of the train; a loose body of the same, with short full sleeves...

Walking Dress and Full Dress, August 1807

"White dress of cambric, with a transparent sleeve buttoned up the arm; buff gloves; bonnet of pink silk; an outside dress ornamented with tassels at each corner...

Evening and Walking Dresses, September 1807

"A round train dress of India muslin embroidered in a fancy border of needle-work at the feet. The stock bosom, ornamented with white beads...

Concert Full Dresses, September 1807

"An elegant Calypso robe, made of rich imperial muslin of a beautiful light yellow, finished at the extreme edge in a line of embossed silver and gold...

Ball Dress, October 1807

"A round frock of Italian crape, over a white satin slip, ornamented at the bottom with a pink and silver ribband. Long waist, laced up the back with with pink or silver cord...

Full Dresses, October 1807

"An elegant Livonia Dress, made of purple bloom soft satin, sprigged with small clusters of gold dots; the dress to fall a little below the knees, with rich gold bullion trimming in the form of a Vandyke; the back part gored off to the shape, with a cottage front...

Evening and Walking Dresses, November 1807

"A round train gown of clear muslin, or leno, over white satin, tamboured in a snail pattern, and ornamented at the feet and round the bosom with rosets of gold, or coloured velvet; a full puffed sleeve trimmed with the same...

Walking and Evening Dresses, December 1807

"A simple gown of white satin, or coloured cloth; triangular front, finished with silver beading. Plain back, brought to a point at the bottom of the waist...

Evening Dresses, December 1807

"A dress of amaranthus-coloured muslin, spotted or plain, over an underdress of white satin or sarsnet; the train about half a quarter on the ground, trimmed with rich lace; the body made quite plain...

Evening Full Dresses for Male and Female, December 1807

"A round dress of soft white satin enriched round the bottom with a border of gold foil...

Evening Dresses, March 1808

"Plain muslin dress, embroidered round the bottom, sleeves, and tucker to correspond; a fashionable silk mantle; head-dress the same colour; white kid gloves...

Evening Full Dresses, March 1808

"A soft satin, of a beautiful amber and brown shot, worn over a sarsnet slip, made with a short train, a quarter and a half in length on the ground...

Evening Dresses, April 1808

"A round dress of satin, an apricot blossom or spring green; made a walking length, and trimmed at the feet with a deep thread lace(placed an easy fullness), or a scolloped fringe...

French Ball Dress, April 1808

This is one of my favorite French prints because is shows such lovely movement. I find a lot more movement and action in French fashion prints than in British prints. Since a ball dress was meant to be seen while dancing, it seems appropriate to illustrate how the dress would look while moving through the steps of a dance....

Full Dresses, May 1808

"The Marmorice cap is made of white crape ornamented with a small wreath of grape vine, and a bunch of grapes on the right side--the cap is left open behind, and falls flat over the left side of the head, finished with a tassel...

Evening Dresses, July 1808

"A plain round dress of lilac or pink sarsnet, with a tunic of white crape, embroidered with silver; The body made quite close to the shape; the sleeves very short, and rather full...

Evening Dress, August 1808

"A round robe of India muslin, Paris net, or leno, worn over a white sarsnet, or cambric slip; tamboured in a snail stripe, either in white or colours. The dress formed on the most simple construction; a plain back, and wrap front, sitting close to the form...

Evening Dress and Riding Dress, September 1808

"A round dress of white Imperial sarsnet, or Italian crape, with a Roman tunick or amber satin, or Chinese silk...

Promenade and Full Dresses, September 1808

"An Indian muslin dress, with flat satin springs, made high in the back, and brought in a horizontal line round the bosom; it has a hanging collar sewed on to the back and fastened in the front with an antique broach...

Evening Dresses, September 1808

"A short dress of fine muslin, or leno, trimmed round the bottom with lace; the back made very broad and quite square; the front formed to the bosom...

Evening Full Dress, December 1808

"Petticoats with short trains of white, or coloured crape, net, or leno, worn over white satin, bordered at the feet in a raised silver Vandyke. Andalusian vest, or bodice of white, or coloured velvet, or of silver tissue...

Evening Dresses, January 1809

"A short dress of very fine Indian muslin; the bosom formed entirely of lace; the sleeves, front, and bottom of the dress, slashed, with fine lace drawn through in puffs...

Evening Full Dress, January 1809

"A white satin Spanish hat, with a diamond loop and Spanish plume; diamond ear-rings and necklace; the fair full, in ringlets; a white satin dress, full-trimmed with blue velvet...

Dancing Dress, February 1809

"White satin opera dress, trimmed all round with gold, tied in front with a gold cord and tassel; white satin shoes, trimmed with gold, and gold button in front...

Evening Dresses, February 1809

"Fontarabian robes of Saragossa brown net, worn over white satin or sarsnet; the front breadth ornamented with borders of vandyke lace...

Evening Dresses, March 1809

"A tunick or short robe of raised velvet, over an underdress of white satin. The satin dress formed close to the shape, the front of the velvet one forming a stomacher over it...

Evening Full Dress, April 1809

"A round robe of green velvet, with antique bodice, and stomacher of blended gold and velvet. Short full sleeve, ornamented à-la-Spanish, to correspond...

Full Dress, April 1809

"White satin dress with purple body, long sleeves slashed at the top; bows of purple ribbon down the front. Mantle of purple, lined with white silk...

Evening Full Dress, May 1809

"A Spartan robe, with demi-train, of pale blue or grey crape, worn over a white satin slip, ornamented round the bottom and up the front and back seem with gold or silver lace; triangular front, back, and sleeves, formed of the same trimming, and terminating on each shoulder with a topaz or gold brooch...

Evening Dresses, May 1809

"A short dress of blue velvet or silk over a dress of white crape; the bosom, sleeves, and bottom of the latter richly embroidered with bugles...

Ball Dress, May 1809

"White satin slip, under a crape dress, made to fit the figure very exactly, cut open in front, and bound all round with white satin ribbon and a row of beads...

Evening Dress, June 1809

"A white underdress of gossamer satin, embroidered at the feet and round the bottom of the sleeves with a laurel border of pale blue or pea-green foil...

Evening Full Dress, July 1809

"This dress is composed of yellow crape, with a train about half a yard in length; the front of the skirt forming a deep vandyke (to the point of which is suspended a tassel), and is embroidered round the edge in two shades of brown chenille...

Assembly Ball Dress, September 1809

"A dress of sea-green sarsnet, with Piedmontese jacket, frilled round the neck with scollop lace, and bound with ribband; let in at the seams, the bosom, and the bottom of the petticoat with a sea-weed bordering...

Concert Room Full Dress, December 1809

"A Polanese dress of green and yellow doubled twilled sarsnet; worn over a drapery of rich white lace, with long sleeves; confined at the bosom, the waist, and on the arms by topaz brooches...

Evening Dress, December 1809

"Dress of white or orange sarsnet, with a train and long sleeves, made very high and short in front and back...

Evening Dress, December 1809

"A white satin round robe, with demi-traine. A short sleeve of interjoined lace and gold beading. A military front, composed of gold cord and frogs...

Evening Dress, January 1810

"The Persian turban is also in great favor, it is in general composed of gold or silver tissue...

Evening Full Dress, January 1810

"A FINE INDIA MUSLIN TRAIN DRESS, fitted close to the shape, edged over the bosom with scollop lace; a rich lace drapery suspended from the shoulders...

Evening Dress, February 1810

"A jacket of pale buff Merino cloth, with antique stomacher, richly embroidered in green chenille, finished with silk tassels...

Evening Full Dress, February 1810

"A purple velvet round robe, with demi-traine and long sleeves; bordered round the bottom, bosom, and wrists with narrow gold lace. A Spanish hat, composed of purple silk or velvet, the same as the robe...

Evening Full Dresses, March 1810

"Evening Full Dress. A white satin round dress, with half yard train, laced up the back and seams with gold twist, ornamented round the neck with a full twill of frosted satin or white crape, and down the front and at the wrist with gold braiding, and small drop buttons...

Ball Dress, March 1810

"A plain slip of white gossamer satin, with short sleeves and square bosom. A Circassisan robe of brown silk net, the meshes terminated with white or gold beads...

Evening or Opera Dresses, April 1810

"The erect figure represents a female in a robe à la Russe, of spring green velvet, with appliquéd stomacher and slashed long sleeves of white satin, ornamented with pearl....

Evening Dresses, April 1810

"A robe of amaranthus figured sarsnet, made to sit high in the neck, with a full cuff of lace; long sleeves with short loose tops trimmed with swansdown. A turban of amaranthus crape and velvet....

Full Dress, April 1810

"A round dress of India mull muslin flounced at the bottom with a deep vandyke lace, or frill of embroidered muslin, and finished with a rich gold cord...

Evening Full Dress, May 1810

"A white satin, or fine India muslin, round dress, made short, and scolloped round the bottom, which is finished with a gold twist...

Full Dresses, June 1810

"A round robe, with long sleeves, and demi-traine of white gossamer, or white crape, over a pink satin slip. The Maria Louisa pelerine of the most delicate French net...

Ball Dress, July 1810

"A pink gossamer satin slip, with Grecian frock of white Persian gause, or undrest Italian crape; united up the front and round the bottom with silver filigree buttons and chain...

Evening Full Dress, September 1810

"A pale blue gossamer silk dress, worn over a white satin slip; made with short train, and frock back; the hind part of the dress made entirely open, and tied down with small bows of white satin ribband...

Evening Mourning Dress, December 1810

"A convent robe of black gossamer gauze, with demi-train and short sleeves, ornamented round the bottom, up the front, and on the bosom and sleeves, with a checkered trimming of black bugles, or steel...

Half-Mourning Evening Dress, December 1810

"A white satin slip, ornamented round the bottom with gold, over which is worn a black patent net dress, with short sleeves...

Half-Mourning Walking and Full Dresses, January 1811

"A French grey cloth pelisse, trimmed with black velvet; bonnet of grey sarsnet ornamented with black crape, black flower; black boots and gloves...

Evening Dresses, January 1811

"A French frock, with demi-traine of black imperial gauze, worn over a slip of white sarsnet or satin; the bottom, bosom, and short sleeve ornamented with a Vandyke border of white velvet or thread lace. A white velvet or satin hat, ornamented with two curled ostrich feathers,...

Evening Full Dress, January 1811

"An amber colour crape dress, with long sleeves, and frock waist, tied with white ribband; slashed Spanish front, let in with satin of the same colour, ornamented with white beads...

French Evening Dress, February 1811

The dress is made of cashmere, a nice warm outfit for a winter evening. The paisley details in the dress echo the pattern of the shawl...

Evening Full Dress, March 1811

"A gown of plain white India muslin, made loose in the neck, with long sleeves, and short train trimmed with a fancy border of stamped leaves in satin...

Ball Dress, April 1811

"Ball Dress of amber-coloured crape, worn over a white slip, embroidered entirely round and up the front with a border of blended lilies and Persian roses in chenille...

Ball Dress, April 1811

"A white sarsnet or satin petticoat, with short sleeves; over which is worn a body and drapery of light-blue gauze, formed in three points, or vandykes, over the petticoat...

Full Dress, May 1811

"A Roman robe of pink crape, worn over white gossamer satin. A long Spanish slashed sleeve, with an antique cuff of fine lace;...

Evening Full Dress, May 1811

"A robe and petticoat of white satin, with short sleeves, trimmed with green or yellow chenille; over which is worn a light green drapery of crape, fastened on the left shoulder with an amber or cornelian brooch...

Ball Dress, June 1811

"A frock of white crape, ornamented with white satin in a leaf pattern, the bottom of the dress trimmed with pale French roses and a plaiting of green and root-coloured ribband mixed...

Evening Dress, August 1811

"A Grecian round robe, with demi-train, of fine Indian muslin or Italian crape, trimmed with silk or silver fringe; a Circassian sleeve, and bosom finished à la chemise...

Evening Dress, October 1811

"A sea-green crape dress, vandyked round the petticoat, and ornamented with large beads; a full drapery over the shoulders and confined in the back with a pearl band, ornamented round the neck and down the back with beads....

French Evening Dress, January 1812

The white underdress or chemise has short puffed sleeves edged with a ruffle at the shoulder. The bodice of the gold cashmere robe, or overdress, has abbreviated sleeves that fall down over the shoulder...

Ball Dress, February 1812

"A round Grecian robe of white crape, gossamer net, or leno, embroidered up the front, and round the bottom, with a fancy border in marigold chenille...

Evening Dress, March 1812

"A round robe of white imperial crape, or gossamer net, worn over white satin; short Spanish pointed sleeves, caught up in the center of the arm with pearls or white beads...

Ball Dress, April 1812

""A round Circassian robe of pink crape, or gossamer net, over a satin slip, fringed full at the feet; a peasant's bodice of pink satin or velvet, laced in the front with silver, and decorated with the same ornament...

Evening Dress, July 1812

"A pale willow green, shot with white, or plain white gossamer satin slip, with a demi-train fringed with silver; short close sleeves the same as the slip, terminated with rows of scallops. Short Grecian robe of white crape, embroidered and fringed with silver;...

Gala Evening Dress, July 1812

"A robe of Imperial blue sarasnet, shot with white, with a demi train, ornamented with fine French lace down each side in front and round the bottom; the trimming surmounted by a white satin ribband...

Evening Dress, August 1812

"White crape robe, with short Circassian sleeves and demi-high waist, with full frills of lace...

Evening Dress, September 1812

"A white crape robe, with demi-train, and long full sleeves, gathered at regular distances, and ornamented with simple bows of ribbon...

Evening Full Dress, September 1812

"White figured satin demi-train, richly trimmed round the bottom with crape intermixed with chenille; over this a short dress of white crape, made nearly top the knee in front...

Evening Full Dress, October 1812

"Demi-train of pale amber, white satin body, made tight to the shape, and very low in the bosom, which is square, and trimmed round with a puffing of rich lace...

Evening Dress, November 1812

"A white crape or mull muslin petticoat, worn over white satin, finished round the bottom with a ball fringe of gold; a crimson velvet or satin bodice...

Evening Dress, December 1812

"A round robe of fine Georgian cloth, a pale olive colour, with full puckered sleeves of white satin. The waist ornamented in horizontal waves of crimson and gold trimming...

Evening Dress, January 1813

"Plain white satin dress, with a demi train, made extremely low and quite square in the bosom. Epaulet short sleeve, which is set without a shoulder strap...

Evening Dress, February 1813

"White satin round frock, which laces behind and is made to display the whole of the neck and shoulders; back extremely broad...

Full Dress, May 1813

"A celestial blue satin slip, with short full sleeve; trimmed round the bottom with a full border of lace, gathered on a knotted beading. A Polonese long robe of white crape, or gossamer net...

Evening Dress, June 1813

"Frock of straw colour crape, over a white sarsnet petticoat; it is made a walking length, open behind and trimmed round with white silk fancy twist. A rich French lace set on full, edges it at the bottom...

Ball Dress, June 1813

"A Grecian round robe, of lilac or apple-blossom crape, worn over a white satin petticoat. A satin bodice, the color of the robe, ornamented with white beads and drops, à la militaire...

Full Dress, July 1813

"A round robe of pale jonquil or canary-coloured crape, worn over a white satin slip; short sleeves composed of the shell-scallopped lace and satin, decorated with bows on the shoulders...

Evening Dress, August 1813

"Venetian crape, placed over a white satin underdress; a treble row of shell-scallopped lace ornaments the feet, above which is seen a border of variegated laurel...

Evening Dress, September 1813

"Frock of straw-colour crape, with a demi-train; it is worn over a slight white satin petticoat; the back of the dress, as our fair readers will see by the Plate, is very novel and elegant, the under-dress is laced behind...

Evening Dress, September 1813

"A round robe of white Venetian crape, worn over a white gossamer satin slip...

Evening Dress, October 1813

"A pea-green crape frock, worn over a white gossamer satin slip, with short sleeves of white lace, and waist biassed with lace beading; a deep flounce of lace round the feet, headed with silver netting,...

Full Dress, October 1813

"Short dress of crape over a very slight white petticoat, made more scanty in the skirt than we have seen for some time; ornamented round the bottom with a trimming composed of crape and small pearl beads...

Evening Dress, November 1813

"A round robe of blossom-coloured crape, with demi-train, worn over a white satin slip, gathered frock back, and stomacher front; the sleeve unusually short, and back and bosom uncommonly (not to say unbecomingly) exposed...

Evening Dress January 1814

Evening Dress, January 1814

"Frock of ruby velvet, superbly ornamented with silver trimming; it is made a walking length, very short in the waist, and extremely low in the neck; a stomacher front displays the shape to a very great advantage...

Ball Dress, February 1814

"A white crape petticoat, worn over gossamer satin, ornamented at the feet with with rows of puckered net, with a centre border of blue satin, or velvet, in puffs...

Evening Dress, March 1814

"A white crape, or fine muslin petticoat, worn over white satin, embroidered in silver lama round the bottom. A bodice of olive, or spring-green satin, ornamented with a silver stomacher....

Ball Dress, June 1814

"White lace drapery over a pale pink satin slip; the drapery is trimmed round with scollops, which are edged with narrow blond lace, put on very full, and is rather shorter than the slip which is also edged with blond...

Full Dress, June 1814

"A white satin slip, terminating at the bottom with a flounce of French blond, headed with tufts of the same; a short tunic, rounded at the corners, of evening primrose colour striped gauze, trimmed entirely round with tufts of blond lace...

Evening Dress, July 1814

"A blond lace train, richly embroidered in silver lama, with a superb border of the same, over a petticoat of pink or salmon-coloured satin; a silver body, trimmed round the top with a quilling of blond, edged with silver...

Evening Dress, August 1814

"A plain blond lace frock over a slip of white satin, the bottom of the dress drawn up in festoons above the ankle, and confined alternatively with roses and bows of white satin ribband...

Evening Dress, September 1814

"Frock of finest India muslin, body and sleeves of lace; the former made full, and the latter the triple epaulette, which is composed of three folds of lace...

Ball Dress, November 1814

"French rose-coloured silk slip, made tight to the shape and very short in the waist. French gauze frock, open behind, the bosom embroidered to correspond with the slip...

French Evening Dress, December 1814

The under-dress, white in color and likely muslin, is trimmed at the bottom with three rows of vandykes. The top of the under-dress bodice is seen beneath the deep V of the over-dress...

Evening Dress, January 1815

"A celestial blue frock, over a white satin slip, ornamented round the bottom with a deep border of tull or net lace, embroidered with shaded blue silks and chenille...

Evening Dress, February 1815

"Pale pink or primrose-coloured crape petticoat over white satin, ornamented at the feet with a deep border of tull, trimmed with blon lace and pink or primrose-coloured ribband festooned and decorated with roses; short full sleeves, composed of tull and crape, with a border of French embroidery;...

Evening Dress, April 1815

"A white crape petticoat over a white satin slip, trimmed round the skirt with pink crape and artificial flowers; over the petticoat is a tunic of white crape; trimmed also with pink crape, slipped up a little in front, and most tastefully finished with a flower to correspond...

Evening Dress, May 1815

"Pink silk frock, richly ornamented round the bottom with a deep border of garnet yewer, headed with a festoon of flowers; the body and sleeves trimmed with double rows of white satin...

Ball Dress, June 1815

"A frock of French figured gauze, worn over a slip of white satin; the frock trimmed at the feet with a deep flounce of blond lace, and decorated with wreaths of lilac...

Evening Dress, July 1815

"A white satin slip, worn under a dress formed of tull, with folds of satin of Pomona green and white alternately let in, terminating at the feet with a rich flounce of blond lace...

Evening Full Dress, July 1815

"Skirt of white or coloured crape over white satin: a double row of the most novel and elegant trimming that we have ever seen ornaments the bottom...

Evening Dress, August 1815

"A white satin petticoat, richly ornamented at the feet with a broad border of tull and satin; a frock-body, tied behind, composed of tull and satin...

Evening Dress, September 1815

"A round dress of blue crape over white satin, finished in a style equally novel, simple, and tasteful: it is very short in the waist and sleeves, cut very low all round the bosom...

Evening Dress, December 1815

"A crimson satin slip, underneath a frock of three-quarters length made of silver-striped French gauze; the slip ornamented at the feet with clusters of flowers...

Ball Dress, January 1816

"A skirt of white crape over white satin, rather full, but the fullness thrown behind. The body , which is tight to the shape, is formed of a new material. The sleeve, short and full, is tastefully ornamented to correspond with the body...

Evening Dress, February 1816

"White crape, or lace frock, over a white satin slip; the body and sleeves are formed of a very elegant fancy material, which has just been introduced. The body is extremely novel and elegant...

Ball Dress, February 1816

"Dress of white crape or patent net, over a blush-coloured sarsnet or satin slip...

Full Dress, April 1816

"The robe of pink worn over a white satin slip flounced with crape, finished by blond. Bridal veil, fastened with a brooch of pearl and pink topazes...

Ball Dress, May 1816

"Frock of white crape over white satin, ornamented with crape bouillone, interspersed with bunches of ribband, and finished by an elegant festoon wreath of roses...

Evening Dress, June 1816

“This dress is composed of white lace, and worn over a rich soft satin slip; the skirt is finished round the bottom by a deep flounce of lace...

Evening Dress, August 1816

"A gown of white soft satin, cut low all round the back and bosom. The skirt gored, and a good deal of fullness thrown behind. The body, which is disposed in small plaits...

Evening Dress, September 1816

"A white British net dress over a white sarsnet slip; the dress is trimmed round the bottom with a deep double flounce of lace, surmounted by a wreath of roses...

Ball Dress, October 1816

"A gown, composed of white gauze, of an exquisitely beautiful and glossy texture: it is worn over a maiden-blush slip. For the form of the dress, which is in the highest degree novel and elegant, we refer our readers to our print. The trimming is a rich rollio of...

Evening Dress, November 1816

"A lilac and white striped gauze dress over a white satin slip; the bottom of the skirt is ornamented with five rows of white silk trimming, of a very light and elegant description...

Ball Dress, December 1816

"A white crape frock over peach coloured satin, beautifully finished round the border with tulle, blond, and garlands of roses. Body of peach coloured satin, ornamented in a manner to correspond with the skirt...

Full Dress January 1817

"A white soft satin slip, tastefully ornamented at bottom with a flounce of broad blond lace, and a light roll of light satin, surmounted by a wreath of lilies composed of plain blond, and a second roll of satin. The stalks of the lilies are composed of white silk cord,...

Evening Dress, March 1817

"A soft white satin gown, made a walking length, cut very low round the back of the neck, and slanting down at each side of the bosom, so as to meet at the bottom of the waist in front...

Ball Dress, April 1817

"A frock of white tulle over a white satin slip; the upper part of the body is formed of a piece of tulle set in full, the lower part plain...

Evening Dress, May 1817

"A white lace dress over a blush-coloured satin slip. The dress is disposed round the bottom of the skirt in festoons, which display a little of the slip...

Evening Dress, July 1817

"BRITISH LADY'S EVENING DRESS For this month is particularly delicate and beautiful, and is composed of a satin-striped gauze, worn over a sarsenet or satin slip...

Evening Dress, October 1817

"White British net dress over a soft white satin slip. The body is composed of white satin, disposed in folds, and rich letting-in lace. The sleeve, which is very short and full, is composed of the same materials...

Evening Full Dress, October 1817

"Round dress of gossamer satin of the palest shade of celestial blue; finished round the border with a broad full Buffon ornament of white crape or net...

Ball Dress, October 1817

"BALL DRESS of blue crape, slashed with a white satin French ribbon with a beaded edge, continuing from the top of the dress body to the bottom of the petticoat, and finishing with a shell border...

Ball Dress, November 1817

"A soft white satin slip, over which is worn a dress composed of white spotted gauze. The body, which is cut extremely low all round the bust, is finished by a light quilling of blond...

Evening Mourning Dress, December 1817

"A black crape frock over a black sarsnet slip. The skirt of the frock is finished by full flounces of the fashionable chevaux des frises trimming. The body, which is cut very low round the bust...

Half Mourning Walking and Evening Dresses, January 1818

"For walking, or carriage costume, over this dress is worn a new and elegant wrapping cloak, made of grey mole-skin, or fine Bath coating; it descends to the feet, and is wide enough to protect the wearer from the inclemency of the weather...

Evening Mourning Dress, January 1818

"A black crape frock over a black sarsnet slip: the body is composed of white crape tastefully ornamented with deep vandykes of black velvet, each vandyke finished at the point by a little light ornament of black chenille...

Evening Dress, February 1818

"A frock composed of British net, and worn over a white satin slip: the body, which is somewhat in the Spanish style, is called the corsage à l'Infante...

Evening Dress, April 1818

"A white gauze round dress, the bottom of the skirt finished by a large rouleau of white satin; the rouleau is ornamented at regular distances with braids of lemon-colored satin. The body is made plain, and higher than they are generally worn;...

Evening Dress, May 1818

"Dress of fine jaconet muslin, worked ta the bottom in a French pattern, with is divided by a double Rolleaux of thin muslin, drawn with peach...

Evening Dress, June 1818

"A white net gown over a pale blush-coloured slip; the body is made tight to the shape, and cut very low all round the bust...

Ball Dress, August 1818

"Frock of white crape, Venetian gauze or fine net, richly embellished at the border with small double Indian roses of a beautiful pink colour, and mingled with leaves of crape and pearls...

Evening Dress, October 1818

"A white lace dress over a white satin slip: the bottom of the skirt is trimmed with a drapery of white lace entwined with pearl, and ornamented with full blown roses without leaves...

Full Mourning Evening Dress, December 1818

"A black crape dress over a black sarsnet slip: the body is cut very low and square round the bust, and is tight to the shape; it is trimmed round the bosom and the back with a rouleau of crape intermixed with jet beads; this trimming does not go round the shoulders....

Evening Mourning Dress, December 1818

"Andalusian robe of black crape worn over a black satin slip, ornamented at the border with crape flutings. The robe vandyked with black velvet, richly ornamented with trimming of twisted crape, down each side...

Half Mourning Evening Dress, January 1819

"A white crape round dress over a white sarsnet slip; it is cur very low all round the bust, and the waist is as short as possible: a full sleeve, which is likewise very short...

Evening Dress, February 1819

"A round dress composed of white satin; the skirt falls in easy folds round the figure; the bottom of it is richly trimmed with a double ruche of white net...

Evening Mourning Dress, February 1819

"Gallician frock of black Italian gauze over a white slip: short sleeves. Head-dress composed of pearl cordons and rich plumes of white ostrich feathers...

Evening Dress, April 1819

"A white gauze round dress over a white satin slip: the skirt is very full, and is trimmed in a most novel style with silk net, disposed in such a manner as to represent little baskets, in each of which is placed a bouquet of small spring flowers...

Walking & Evening Dresses, May 1819

"Walking Dress: A round dress, composed of jaconet muslin; the skirt is moderately full; it is trimmed round the bottom with the same material, which is disposed in such a manner as to form, with an intermixture of cord, a very novel and fanciful trimming, for the form of which we refer to our print....

Evening Dress, August 1819

"A white lace skirt over a white satin slip; the bottom of the skirts is ornamented with a fulness of white satin, confined at each edge by a narrow rouleau...

Evening Dress, October 1819

"Dress of fine net over white satin; richly flounced with double festoons of very broad blond; the lower festoon interspersed with full blown roses, the upper one surmounted by lilies of the valley...


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