Evening Dress, July 1814

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, July 1814.

“Evening Dress.”

Evening Dress July 1814

This print is an example of the exceptional skill of the engraver (and the original artist, who would have painted the design in watercolor, from which the engraving was made) in showing the transparency of the overdress.

Ackermann included prints of new furniture styles in his magazine, and his fashion prints also often show glimpses of beautiful Regency furniture, as here.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A blond lace train, richly embroidered in silver lama, with a superb border of the same, over a petticoat of pink or salmon-coloured satin; a silver body, trimmed round the top with a quilling of blond, edged with silver; a short full sleeve of blond lace, the fulness drawn in and confined at the bottom by an embossed silver ornament; rich silver cord, and large bullion tassels, tied on the side in long loops and streamers. The hair, worn less over the face, continues to be divided on the forehead by a cluster of flowers, and appears in full short curls upon the crown of the head. Diamond necklace and ear-rings; armlets and bracelets to correspond. Gloves and slippers of white kid.”

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