Evening Dress, December 1800

Gallery of Fashion, December 1800.

“Evening Dress.”

If you compare this print to earlier ones from the same publication, you will see a decline in design and execution. The cause of this decline is not clear, as Heideloff was still in charge of the magazine. He employs a new printer with the September 1799 issue, though that should not have affected the quality of design and coloring. But there is a definite change in the quality of prints around 1800. The magazine only lasted another 2 ½ years.

The waistline here is shown much lower than in prints from other publications for this year. Even prints from this publication from five years earlier (as here) show a much higher waistline, so this dress is something of an anomaly.

The diamonds in the hair ornaments and the jewelry are picked out in bright silver metallic paint, which is unfortunately impossible to see online, but is quite beautiful in person.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“The front and side hair slightly frizzed; the whole of the hind hair twisted round the back of the head in a double chignon, and fastened with a diamond comb; diadême ornamented with diamonds in the front, and a diamond aigrette on the right. Robe of white satin, the bottom embroidered in gold; short sleeves: the whole trimmed with fur, and ornamented at the top and bottom of the sleeves with diamond loops. Diamond necklace and earrings. White gloves and shoes.”

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