Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1802

Fashions of London and Paris, August 1802.

“Evening Dress. Walking Dress.”

The description calls the pink evening dress a robe, which generally means an overdress. The white sleeves and upper bodice were likely an underdress, though it is not described as such. Note the quizzing glass she holds in her hand.

The description of the walking dress calls what looks like a coat a “short dress.” It looks very modern to me, similar to three-quarter length coats we wear in the winter. The blue hat and shoes provide a nice pop of color.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“EVENING DRESS. A round robe of pink muslin; the train very long, the back full with lace let in across, white muslin sleeves worked round the bottom and trimmed with lace, full epaulets of pink muslin, the bosom trimmed round with lace. A small turban of pink muslin ornamented with beads and a pink ostrich feather.

“WALKING DRESS. A round dress of cambrick muslin, made high round the neck with a collar. A short dress of nankeen made to fit the back quite close, loose in front. Rohan hat of blue chip. Blue shoes.”

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