Walking Dresses

Walking Dresses, Overview

Walking Dresses were worn on outdoor occasions when one wanted to see and be seen. They are often referred to as Promenade Dresses, a very literal definition of their purpose. The fashionable Regency woman was seen walking in the parks or in the shopping districts during the London Season...

Morning Walking Dresses, May 1795

"Bonnet of yellow satin, lined with white, trimmed with a yellow band-feather, and a piece of yellow satin, forming a large bow in the front...

Morning Walking Dresses, July 1795

"Brunswick frock of clear lawn, with five tucks at the bottom. Short loose sleeves, trimmed with lace...

Morning Walking Dresses, September 1795

"Petticoat of muslin, with an embroidered border. Gown of worked muslin, with long sleeves...

Walking and Riding Dresses, November 1795

"Round gown of muslin, embroidered in colours; long sleeves; double flounce at the bottom...

Morning Walking Dresses, August 1796

"Round gown of flower worked muslin, scolloped at the bottom. Short full sleeves, tied in three parts with lilac-coloured riband...

Morning Walking Dresses, October 1796

"Dress of plain muslin; a double flounce of the same, headed with green striped riband; the body in small plaits...

Morning Walking Dresses, November 1796

"Round dress of fine India calico; short sleeves, trimmed with a chintz border; small cape upon the shoulder, trimmed with narrow lace...

Morning Walking Dresses, April 1797

"Round gown of French grey-checkered calico; short full sleeves, with a narrow plaiting at the elbow...

Morning Walking Dress, April 1798

"Spencer-corset of green satin, with plaitings in the front, and plaitings with a gold trimming at the wrists. Yellow sash, with gold tassels, tied on the left side...

French Walking Dress, June 1798

The white dress has a demi-train, the waist is gathered full in the back, and the sleeves are short and tight...

Morning Walking Dress, September 1798

"The two Figures at the top represent the most fashionable Morning Head Dresses for the Present Month...

Morning Walking Dresses, November 1798

"Hat of alternate stripes of pipe straw and coloured velvet: anchor and flower in front. White satin cloak, with a figured border, trimmed all round with fur...

Walking Dresses, November 1798

"Round gown of thick muslin, embroidered in pink; long sleeves. White muslin cloak, in deep Vandyke scollops...

Morning Walking Dresses, May 1799

"Round gown of muslin, embroidered in colours; full short sleeves...

Walking Dresses, June 1799

"Le Brun's Hat; made of cane, and lined with blue; turned up before and behind; wild rose, or other flower, in front. Blue muslin round dress...

Walking Dress, November 1799

"Swiss Corset of black velvet lined with blue silk, edged with blue chenille. Bonnet à la Repentir, made of black velvet and trimmed with blue ribband and lace...

Walking Dress, December 1799

""Parisian Cloak, made of one entire straight, unshaped piece of pink silk, covered all over with black crape. Trimmed round with broad black lace, and pinned up in the right shoulder...

Walking and Evening Dresses, March 1800

"Silk pelice, trimmed with broad black lace. Hat of purple chip, or willow, with bow behind, and white roses on the left side...

Dancing Dress and Morning Walking Dress, April 1800

"Body and drapery of pink muslin or crape, with a long train of white muslin, drawn for dancing through the pink drapery, sleeves of black lace. Petticoat of white sarsnet...

Walking Dress and Full Dress, June 1800

"Dress of white muslin made and worn very low in the neck and bosom, and fastened down the front with rows of ribband. The sleeves loose....

Walking Dresses, July 1800

"Pelisse of Nankeen coloured muslin, open at the sides and front, and trimmed with black lace. The bonnet of white muslin, trimmed with Nankeen coloured ribband...

Walking and Riding Dresses, August 1800

"Round hat of green and white chip. Wreath of red roses. White veil. Round dress of white muslin. Scarf of green muslin...

Walking Dresses, September 1800

"Round dress of white muslin; black lace cloak, made to hang full on the shoulders, and trimmed on the outside edge and on the ends with broad lace...

Morning Walking Dresses, December 1800

"Bonnet, of green and royal blue Union striped velvet, trimmed with coquelicot ribbon, feather, and handkerchief...

Walking Dress Outer Garments and Bonnets, June 1801

"Spencer of lilac silk, trimmed round the waist with very deep lace. The sleeves long and full; the collar and bottoms of the sleeves trimmed with black lace...

Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1801

"Fancy dress of worked muslin, trimmed with lace and silver: the sleeves full and confined with silver. Turban of crape, ornamented with silver...

Walking Dresses, October 1801

"A round dress of thick white muslin; a pelice of cambrick muslin trimmed all round; long sleeves. A bonnet of buff silk, trimmed with purple ribbon...

Walking Dress, December 1801

This early French print includes some lovely fashion details. The wool spencer is cut high in the back, showing the gathering at the back of the dress. For the next few years, the back of dresses tended to be quite full. And walking dresses at this time typically had short trains, as here....

Walking and Full Dresses, December 1801

"Round dress of thick white muslin. The Hungarian cloak made of nacarat, or scarlet silk; trimmed all round with broad black lace or fur...

French Walking or Carriage Costume, January 1802

The diamond-shaped back panel is seen on some female riding habits, and the pleats falling from the high waist are beautifully done...

Promenade Dresses, April 1802

"A round dress of thick white muslin. Short silk pelisse, trimmed all round with deep black lace. Black velvet bonnet, worn with a deep veil. Bear muff...

Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1802

"A round robe of pink muslin; the train very long, the back full with lace let in across, white muslin sleeves worked round the bottom and trimmed with lace...

Promenade Dresses, November 1802

"-A round dress of thick white muslin, the body full, and drawn close round the bosom; full long sleeves. A fur tippet of brown bear. A small black velvet bonnet...

Promenade Dresses, December 1802

"Short round dress of cambric muslin. Pelisse of black velvet, trimmed with broad lace, and lined with LeBrun's new silk. Close bonnet of of black velvet, trimmed with lace...

Evening and Walking Dresses, January 1803

The walking dress in this print includes a fabulous fur muff, my favorite Regency accessory, as well as a brightly striped lining to the dark pelisse. The same striped fabric is featured on the bonnet. The evening costume includes an overdress or robe that appears to be trimmed in white fur or swansdown....

French Walking Dress, April 1803

We can tell this print shows us daywear for outdoors because of the bonnet, which is an outdoor straw bonnet, not one that would have been worn with evening wear, and by the gloves, which appear to be kid leather in what the British would call York tan. Most evening wear is shown with white gloves....

Morning Walking Dress, May 1803

"... The Jewish coats (or Josephs), of silk, are again in use; they are edged with black lace...

Promenade Dresses, November 1803

"Plain dress of white or coloured muslin, with long sleeves. A cloak of blue velvet, lined with yellow silk, and trimmed all round with deep black lace...

French Walking Dress, November 1803

The coat is made of an olive or greenish-brown wool. It has lapels, is belted at the high waist, with cuffed sleeves...

Promenade Dresses, June 1804

"A round dress of white muslin, with a very long train, and long sleeves; a cloak of fine worked muslin...

French Walking Dress, August 1804

The overdress, or robe, is made of pink Turkish muslin with what looks to be an embroidered border of red and gold...

Promenade Dresses, September 1804

"Round dress of white muslin, made high round the bosom, with a lace frill; long sleeves. A pink and white shawl of clear muslin. A gipsy hat, or straw or chip, tied under the chin with pink ribands; a rose in front....

Promenade Dresses, October 1804

"A round dress of white muslin, with long sleeves. A Barcelona handkerchief crossed over the bosom and tied behind. A scarf cloak of worked muslin ...

Promenade Dresses, November 1804

"A round dress of thick white muslin, with a habit short of fine cambric. Large silk shawl, of morone colour...

Promenade and Evening Dresses, April 1805

"Dress of plain white muslin, with long sleeves; a white muslin cloak, with lace let in all round. Straw hat turned up in front, and ornamented with a feather...

Promenade Dresses, May 1805

"A round dress of plain white muslin, with a spencer cloak of green silk, trimmed all round with deep black lace. A straw hat turned up in the front, ornamented with feathers....

Promenade and Ball Dress, June 1805

"A dress of white muslin, made plain over the bosom, with short sleeves; a cloak of apple-blossom silk, trimmed with deep white lace. A white satin hat trimmed with crape...

Promenade Dresses, July 1805

"A long dress of cambrick muslin, with a black lace shawl. A small round cap of coloured silk, covered with lace or lenno , and ornamented with bows...

Promenade Dresses, August 1805

"A round dress of plain or worked muslin; a pelisse of worked pique leno, lined with primrose persian, and trimmed all round with white lace. A mob cap trimmed and lined with primrose...

Mourning Promenade Dresses September 1805

"A short dress of black sarsnet trimmed with crape. A shawl cloak of black crape. Black chip bonnet. A long dress of black Italian gauze over black sarsnet. A scarf of black crape. Black chip...

Half-Mourning Evening and Walking Dresses, October 1805

"A dress of black crape over white sarsnet, the dress made very long, and trimmed and ornamented with black velvet and bugles; a tucker of the same, drawn over the bosom...

Evening and Walking Dresses, January 1806

"A morning dress of long cloath, with robings fastened to the shoulders, which hang loose to the bottom; the dress made to button close over the bosom, and high in the neck...

Walking and Full Dresses, April 1806

"Straw Hat, trimmed with Swansdown. Pelisse of Black Velvet, with a deep Lace round the Bottom. Swansdown tippet. Half Habit Shirt. Buff Gloves...

Half Dress and Walking Dress, June 1806

"Round gown of fine cambric muslin, with long sleeves, and trimmed round the bottom with double muslin. A cloak of fine clear muslin, bound round with white satin ribband....

French Promenade Dress, June 1806

The dress shown here is very simple -- white, probably muslin, gathered at the neckline and sleeves, and tied at the high waist with a white sash. The shawl (which looks dark yellow in some versions of this print and taupe in others) is either embroidered on the edges, or woven in a floral pattern at the ends....

Walking Dresses, July 1806

"The gown is made of white muslin, trimmed round the neck with a full lace; a large brooch is placed in front...

French Walking Dress, September 1806

A couple of fashion observations: Note that she wears over-the-elbow gloves. This seems to be a French mode. In British prints, long gloves are primarily shown with evening wear. British prints seldom show a short-sleeved dress for day wear, regardless of the season....

Walking Dress for Male and Female, January 1807

"A plain muslin dress, walking length, made high in the front, and forms a shirt collar, richly embroidered...

Walking Dress and Ball Dress, January 1807

"A frock of white Italian crape, over a white satin slip; the latter edged with a narrow border of pink velvet at the feet; the frock festooned in gentle curves round the bottom...

Full Dress and Walking Dress, February 1807

"A Roxborough jacket of soft white satin, flowing open in front, and down each side the figure, in regular pointed drapery...

Walking Dress for Male and Female, March 1807

"A muslin gown, ornamented with knotted work crossing the shoulder, to correspond with the bottom of the dress...

Morning Walking Dress, April 1807

When applied to women's fashion, the French term redingote is typically translated as robe. So this white dress is a morning robe ("Redingote du Matin"). The addition of the bonnet makes it an outdoor morning ensemble, or a morning walking...

Morning Walking Dress for Male and Female, April 1807

"A short mantle of orange and purple velvet, made to fasten on the right shoulder, and crossing the bosom, is confined with rich cords and tassels under the left arm...

French Walking Dress, May 1807

Like most of these "tunnel" hats, this one is a capote, meaning a stiff brim with a fabric crown. There is not much of a crown with these hats, as you can see. It's all about the brim...

Morning and Evening Dress, May 1807

"Full Evening Dress for Gentlemen consists of a blue coat, lappeled, flat gilt buttons, and black velvet collar; or a dark silver or brown coat, lappeled, covered buttons, and collar of the same cloth...

Morning Walking Dress for Male and Female, June 1807

"Long square mantelet of primrose silk, embroidered with a dark rich border of embossed ribband; the two ends are tied with a knot on the front of the bosom...

Walking and Full Dresses, June 1807

"A plain round gown of French cambric, or jaconet muslin; long sleeve, wrapt front, and spenser back. Open shirt, frilled round the neck with scolloped lace...

Walking Dresses, July 1807

"A plain cambric round dress, a walking length. Roman spencer, with Vandyke lapels and falling collar; finished with the same round the bottom of the waist, and flowing open in front of the bosom. A village hat of Imperial chip...

Walking Dress and Full Dress, August 1807

"White dress of cambric, with a transparent sleeve buttoned up the arm; buff gloves; bonnet of pink silk; an outside dress ornamented with tassels at each corner...

Walking Dress, October 1807

"A round gown with a short train,ornamented at he feet in flutings of muslin or needlework; a long sleeve rucked, with a full top...

Evening and Walking Dresses, September 1807

"A round train dress of India muslin embroidered in a fancy border of needle-work at the feet. The stock bosom, ornamented with white beads...

Carriage and Walking Dresses, November 1807

"A Danish robe and mantle is formed of beautiful carmine soft satin shot with white; the mantle is made with two gores and one seam behind, the left arm being confined in a long sleeve of the same...

Evening and Walking Dresses, November 1807

"A round train gown of clear muslin, or leno, over white satin, tamboured in a snail pattern, and ornamented at the feet and round the bosom with rosets of gold, or coloured velvet; a full puffed sleeve trimmed with the same...

Walking and Evening Dresses, December 1807

"A simple gown of white satin, or coloured cloth; triangular front, finished with silver beading. Plain back, brought to a point at the bottom of the waist...

Walking Dresses, January 1808

"A round cambric gown, a walking length, with short full sleeve, and puckered cuff, buttoned or laced down the back, and made high round the neck, with a full frill of lace...

Walking and Opera Dresses, February 1808

"The Hindu coat and hat made of dove or bright grey coloured sarsnet, or fine cloth trimmed all round with a rich fur trimming of a fancy colour...

Promenade Dress, March 1808

"A round walking dress of white cambric, or brown velvet; made to sit close to the form; laced behind, and reaching to the edge of the throat, where it is finished with a broad plaiting of French net...

Walking Dresses, May 1808

"A pelisse of sage-coloured sarsnet, made quite plain over the back, and with a full robing, which may be tied down in back...

Walking Dresses and Child’s Attire, May 1808

"A plain muslin walking dress, with Spanish spencer of celestial blue, or shaded lilac sarsnet, ornamented entirely round with the new Chinese trimming...

Walking Dresses, June 1808

"A plain cambric, or jaconet muslin dress, made a walking length; scalloped at the feet and wrist, with high gored bosom, and long sleeves of net. A spencer of silver lilac sarsnet, with bosom and cuffs ornamented à-la-Militaire. Simple turban bonnet, composed of the same material as the spencer....

Kensington Garden Dresses, June 1808

"A rich India muslin dress, with a superb embossed border, worked in floss silk, white or coloured, made short,walking length; high in the neck, and drawn full round the throat with a tuban collar falling over...

Morning Walking Dresses, August 1808

" A round robe of white or jonquil muslin, made a walking length; with spencer waist, and deep falling lappels, trimmed with lace' and edged at the wrist to correspond. A bonnet of celestial blue crape, with jockey, or antique front, edged and ornamented with the shell, or honey-comb trimming, formed of the same material....

Morning Walking Dresses, September 1808

"A dress of plain muslin, or cambric, made high over the bosom; long sleeves, with a full top plaited into a band; a tippet formed of frills of thin muslin, finely plaited...

Promenade and Full Dresses, September 1808

"An Indian muslin dress, with flat satin springs, made high in the back, and brought in a horizontal line round the bosom; it has a hanging collar sewed on to the back and fastened in the front with an antique broach...

Morning Walking Dresses, November 1808

"A round cambric gown, with fan ruff' a Polish coat with Carmelite mantle, or bright grass-green, or royal purple velvet, trimmed entirely round with ermine...

Walking Dresses, December 1808

“An antique frock formed of white or coloured crape muslin; embroidered (for full dress) round the bottom, bosom and sleeves, in a border of silver ivy leaf and berry; and worn over a white satin slip. For less splendid occasions, it is ornamented with lace,...

Walking Dress January 1809

"A Polish bonnet and mantle of gold-coloured velvet, with an invisible hood trimmed with ermine; an antique collar fastened with a gold ornament in front, in the form of a shell. Morning dress of white muslin Brussels spot, with a worked stomacher, and trimmed down the front and at the bottom;...

Morning Walking Dress, March 1809

"A round gown of French cambric, or fine jaconet muslin, let in with lace beading round the feet. A Roman stomacher front, ornamented with the same, and laced with cord...

Walking Dress, March 1809

"A polish cap, and pelisse of silver grey cloth, trimmed with gold or silver, buttoned down the front with small round buttons, a high collar, with a lace ruff...

Walking or Carriage Dress, March 1809

"CARRIAGE COSTUME: A Polanese coat, and Saragossa mantle, of fine Vigonia cloth; the colour spring green, trimmed round the edges and up the front of the coat with black velvet bindings, and edgings of gold lace...

Walking Dress, April 1809

"A tunic of lilac silk, clasped down the front with gold ornaments; a cloak of the same colour attached, so as to unite behind, but to fall loose over the shoulders; fixed on the shoulders with golden ornaments...

Walking Dress, May 1809

"A fine cambric round gown, with high collar, finished with needlework and scolloped lace; a corespondent trimming round the bottom of the dress. A Spanish spenser...

Walking Dress, June 1809

"A round high gown of fine French cambric, made a walking length, and finished at the feet with lace and needlework; Union front, and plaited collar, ornamented with the same. Elastic girdle with buckle or clasp of gold or cut steel...

Walking Dresses, June 1809

"A Venetian spencer of violet satin, or sarsnet, with a row of small round buttons embroidered in silver, with a pendent loop to each; confined at the neck with a silk cord or silver tassel. Beaver hat of the same colour, rather small, turned up in the front, with a silver button and loop....

Walking Dress, July 1809

"A round robe of jaconet muslin, high in the neck, to lace up the back with coloured lacing, finished round the collar with scollop edging...

Morning Walking Dresses, August 1809

"short dress of thin muslin, with work let in round the bottom, and finished with small tucks; long sleeves, with epaulette tops formed with lace; the bosom quite plain, with lace let in across; a frock back...

Kensington Garden Dress, August 1809

"A spenser bodice of pale pink sarsnet. White muslin dress, with double row of scollop lace forming a light flounce round the bottom, over which is worn a black lace mantle and train...

Promenade Dresses, August 1809

"A petticoat of cambric, bordered with needle-work at the bottom. An Egyptian vest of the same, with corresponding border, in primrose or straw colour,...

Promenade Sea Beach Costume, September 1809

"A Grecian frock of fine French cambric or jaconet muslin, with corresponding border at the feet, in shaded purple embroidery; Roman back and front of the same....

Walking Dress, September 1809

"A Flushing hat of white Italian chip, a cap of the same material appearing underneath, ornamented with a wreath of oak-leaves and acorn, bound round the edge with blossom-pink ribband...

Walking Dress, October 1809

"A fine cambric or Indian muslin high gown, with long sleeves and falling collar, ornamented at the feet, and round the neck, with appliqued lace or needle-work...

Sea Coast Promenade Dress, October 1809

"A bonnet composed of yellow satin and lace, richly embossed with leopard spots in deep orange; the front in the tiara form, bound with green figured ribband...

Promenade Dresses, November 1809

"A Pamela robe of fine white cambric, made to fit close to the shape, confined down the front, and marked off to the bust with a trimming of coloured chenille and buttons forming a diamond...

Morning Walking Dresses, December 1809

"A short dress of white muslin, made quite plain, with long sleeves. A pelisse of purple sarsnet, trimmed with green velvet...

Walking Dress, December 1809

"A fine cambric or jaconet muslin round robe, with long plaited sleeves, and worked antique front; bordered at the feet with needle-work or appliqued lace...

Pelisse, December 1809

This full-length bright yellow pelisse is made of Levantine, which is a strong twilled silk or sarsnet. It has a standing collar, beneath which we have a glimpse of white lace from either the underdress or a chemisette...

Walking Dress, January 1810

"A white cambric round dress, buttons from the throat to the feet; ornamented at the bottom with four small tucks; finished at the neck with a ruck of lace. A mantle of scarlet merino cloth, reaching to the petticoat behind...

Carriage or Promenade Dress, January 1810

"A round cottage gown of fine cambric or jaconet muslin, ornamented at the feet, collar, and wrists with borders of needle-work, or fine fringe. The waist confined at the bottom with a white ribbon, tied in short bows and ends behind....

Walking Dress, March 1810

“A pelisse of black merino cloth or velvet, buttoned from the throat to the feet, made to fit tight to the shape with a band of crape, ornamented with a double row of gold braiding, or an oriental embossed silk trimming...

Walking Dress, May 1810

"An Arabian tunic and petticoat of fine white cambric, sitting high round the throat, with appliqued net, in the crescent form; robin stomacher, and Egyptian border round the bottom...

Promenade or Opera Dress, May 1810

"A cassoc coat or demi pelisee of cerulean blue shot sarsnet, finished round the bosom with a basket border, extended on white satin, confined at the bottom of the waist with a silver or steel clasp...

Promenade Dress, June 1810

"A round dress of plain white India muslin, with long sleeves, made a walking length, and trimmed round the bottom with a broad French lace...

Morning Walking Dress, July 1810

"A round dress of thick fine India muslin, made high in the neck, with long sleeves, which are trimmed at the wrists with a narrow edging of lace; a lace let in round the bottom of the dress between four rows of small tucks...

Promenade Dresses, July 1810

"A Spanish pelisse of white and lilac shot sarsnet, with Egyptian crape and antique cuffs, trimmed with Chinese scallopped binding...

Promenade Dress, August 1810

" A plain cambric round morning dress, made high in the neck, with a short train, let in round the bottom with two rows of worked trimming. A pelisse of green sarsnet, made to fit the shape, trimmed round with a narrow fancy trimming, cut with two scallops on the left side, on the right with one;...

Walking Dresses, September 1810

"Andalusian robe of superfine Spanish lamb's-wool cloth, of a bright amber colour; long sleeves and high habit-shirt of French cambric, with deep cuff and collar, edged with plaited net, or scallopped lace...

Sea-Side Walking Dress, September 1810

"A gown of white French cambric, or pale pink muslin, with long sleeves, and antique cuffs of thin white muslin, trimmed with Mechlin edging; made high in the neck, without a collar, and formed in points at the center of the bosom, with three rows of letting-in lace;...

Promenade or Sea-Beach Costume, October 1810

"A Grecian wrap gown, with high Armenian collar, bordered with treble rows of narrow muslin, or with three rows of appliquéd beading. An Egyptian tunic of pink or lilac shot sarsnet, ornamented up the front with silk cord buttons;...

Walking Dress, October 1810

"A pelisse of autumnal brown sarsnet, made low in the neck, trimmed down the front and round the bottom with a rich trimming of vandyked white satin, ornamented with silver frogs...

Walking & Morning Dresses, November 1810

"Robe of white Indian muslin, with Spanish vest and Flemish skirt, ornamented at the bottom, bosom, and sleeves with needle-work, or appliquéd lace; antique cuffs, pointed collar, fastened in the center of the throat with a topaz broach...

Half-Mourning Walking or Carriage Dress, December 1810

"A black bombazine or sarsnet round robe, with high bosom, and long sleeves with white Spanish weepers, trimmed round the bottom, at the front, and round the bosom, with a thin chain of crape. A white crape habit-shirt, with high collar,...

Half-Mourning Walking and Full Dresses, January 1811

"A French grey cloth pelisse, trimmed with black velvet; bonnet of grey sarsnet ornamented with black crape, black flower; black boots and gloves...

Walking Dress, January 1811

"A round high morning robe of cambric, with deep full-trimmed collar. A Swedish coat of lead-coloured cloth, or black velvet, trimmed entirely round with swansdown or blue fox fur...

Walking Dress, February 1811

"A pelisse of scarlet Merino cloth, buttons down the front and up the arm with small gold buttons; the collar and cuffs of purple velvet...

Walking or Carriage Dress, February 1811

"A military coat or pelisse of amber-coloured velvet, or Merino cloth, with Spanish cuffs, and high fluted collar, trimmed entirely round with Astracan fur....

Walking Dress, April 1811

"Round dress of cambric muslin, with a ruff collar, trimmed round the bottom with narrow purple ribband; cassimere crimson mantle, confined close to the back, lined with purple silk...

Walking Dress, June 1811

"A pelisse of pale pink sarsnet, lined with white, and ornamented with rich silk Brandenburg trimmings of correspondent pink, or pale brown...

Promenade Dress, July 1811

"A round robe of white jaconet muslin, with a boddice of violet sarsnet, trimmed with rich silk Brandenburgs of Austrian green, a half pelisse of fine transparent muslin...

Promenade Dress, August 1811

"A round robe of India jaconet, trimmed round the bottom with ribband; a mantle of fine India mull muslin, or white crape, with ficher front, ornamented withe drawn ribband and tassels...

Walking Dress, September 1811

"A short round dress of India jacconot muslin, cut round at the bosom, and ornamented round the bottom with a worked border, edged with small tucks...

Promenade Dress, September 1811

"A round high robe, with large long sleeves, and deep falling collar, edged with lace or needle-work, composed of jaconet muslin...

Walking Dress, October 1811

"A round French robe, with bishop sleeve, of fine jaconet muslin, ornamented at the feet and wrists with a crescent border of needlework...

Walking Dress, November 1811

"An hussar coat of fine salmon-colour merino cloth, ornamented on each side with dark silk frogs, and lined and trimmed with skin...

French Walking Dress, November 1811

The white dress is trimmed with multiple rows of vandyking, creating a deeper flounce than is typical at this time. The short length is intriguing...

Walking Dress, December 1811

"A high dress of tartan plaid, made of sarsnet or Merino crape, trimmed down the bottom with white swansdown, and two rows of the same down the front, alternately relieved by a narrow silk cord in loops, and buttons of a bright nakara colour, with a belt to correspond....

Carriage or Walking Dress, January 1812

"A Plain cambric morning robe, with high collar, trimmed with lace. A Polish demi-pelisse of fine Lama or Merino cloth, richly embroidered up the front, on the bottom collar and cuffs...

Walking Dress, February 1812

"A scarlet merino cloth pelisse, lined with straw coloured sarsnet, trimmed with light coloured spotted fur, and attached with loops of black silk cordon and rich frog tassels...

Morning Walking Dress, April 1812

"A three quarters pelisse of dark willow-green sarsnet, or fine Merino cloth, worn over a round dress of fine India muslin, richly embroidered, and trimmed round the bottom with lace, put on rather full...

Afternoon and Morning Walking Dresses, April 1812

"Full Dress made of white satin, ornamented round the bottom with a rich Grecian border, over which is worn a tunic of yellow Indian gauze, trimmed with deep white lace...

Promenade or Carriage Costume, May 1812

" A round spencer robe of blossom-coloured sarsnet, trimmed with tufted Chinese silk fringe; a drapery of deep vandyke black lace, continued round the back and shoulders to the bottom...

French Walking Dress, July 1812

The dress is a simple, with only a small row of ruched ruffles at the hem and a ruff around the neck. The straw bonnet marks it as a day...

Promenade Dress, July 1812

"A round high robe of fine cambric or jaconet muslin, with waggoner's sleeves, and high, full-gathered collar. A cottage vest, of light green or lemon-coloured sarsnet...

Promenade Dress, August 1812

"A plain jaconet or imperial cambric muslin round dress, formed high in the neck, and trimmed round the bottom, up the front, collar, and sleeves with full borders of plaited muslin....

Walking Dress, September 1812

"A pelisse of Princess Elizabeth lilac figured sarsnet, shot with white, and sufficiently short to show the flounce of the morning dress beneath it...

Morning Walking Dress, October 1812

"Jaconet muslin dress, made rather below the knee and open in front; trimmed round with a rich worked muslin border scolloped, and laid on rather full: waist moderately long...

Morning Walking or Carriage Dress, October 1812

"A plain jaconet muslin robe, formed high in the neck, with double frills of deep vandyke lace. A grey satin spencer, ornamented with silver cord and buttons en militaire...

Morning Walking Dress, November 1812

“Short pelisse of deep lilac ... made with a collar up to the throat, and trimmed round with rich fur...

Morning Walking Dress, December 1812

"A Merino cloth long pelisse of a very deep rose colour, ornamented with a superbly embroidered fancy border in front; it is fastened down the whole length of the figure with frogs and tassels to correspond; waist a moderate length, and elegant figured belt and tassels;...

Morning Walking or Carriage Dress, December 1812

"A Russian mantle of pale fawn-coloured cloth or velvet, with capes of the same; trimmed entirely round with angola trimming fur...

Morning Walking Dress, January 1813

"A round robe of Cambric muslin, with long full sleeves, and simple short collar, confined in the center of the throat with a stud or broach; the same fastening the dress at the wrist...

Promenade Dress, February 1813

"A plain cambric robe, made high in the neck, with plaited fan frill and long sleeves, finished at the bottom with a border of fancy tucks or needlework. A Prussian hussar cloak, of Sardinian blue velvet or superfine cloth; lined and edged with pink satin...

Walking Dress, March 1813

"A stone coloured habit, trimmed round the body with swansdown, and ornamented entirely across the bosom with a thick row of rich silk braiding to correspond....

Morning Walking Dress, May 1813

"Jaconet muslin high dress, made a walking length, and richly embroidered up the front, round the collar, ad round the bottom of the sleeve, which is very long, and rather more loose than they have been worn....

Promenade Dress, June 1813

"Short dress of jaconet muslin, made rather scantier in the skirt than they have been worn, and cut down as much a possible all round the bosom and back of the neck...

Morning Walking Dress, July 1813

"A Cossack mantle of Pomona green-shot sarsnet, lined throughout with white silk, and bordered with a double row of Chinese binding...

Walking Dress, August 1813

"High dress of jaconet muslin, walking length, and trimmed round the bottom either with lace or work. Pocket-holes made habit fashion...

Morning Walking Dress, September 1813

"High dress of jaconet muslin, made up to the throat, and laced behind in the slip style; waist nearly the same length as the preceding month...

Promenade Dress, September 1813

" A white jaconet muslin high dress, with long sleeves and collar of needle-work; treble flounces of plaited muslin round the bottom; wrist and collar confined with a silk cord and tassel...

Morning and Afternoon Dresses, November 1813

"A pelisette of Spanish green cloth, or silk, made tight in the body, and fastened round the waist with tassels; bonnet and feather en suite...

Promenade Dress, January 1814

"A plain cambric robe, with long gathered sleeve and high arched collar, trimmed with net lace or muslin. A Spanish lappelled coat of fine orange Merino cloth; full epaulette ornaments on the shoulders...

Promenade or Carriage Costume, March 1814

"The Austrian shawl cloak, composed of pale dove-coloured cloth, lined throughout with rose-coloured satin or sarsnet, trimmed entirely round with a broad sable fur...

Walking Dress, May 1814

“This elegant spencer is worm over a walking-dress of jaconet muslin; it is made in rich primrose twilled sarsnet, shot with white; the back, which is full, shews the shape to much greater advantage than any spencer we have lately seen...

Carriage or Walking Dress, May 1814

"The Bourbon mantle of azure crape worn with this dress is remarkably novel and elegant; it is ornamented behind with white satin, which forms the back in a manner perfectly original and singularly tasteful...

Walking Dress, June 1814

"A high round dress, of short walking length, made of French cambric or worked muslin, trimmed at the bottom with a treble flounce of Vandyke or shell needlework...

Carriage or Walking Dress, June 1814

"High Dress of jaconet muslin, with a triple lace ruff, and a profusion of lace let in round the neck. The bottom of this dress is trimmed in a most elegant style...

Walking Dress, July 1814

"Jaconet muslin high dress, with a rich letting-in of lace and embroidery of the same materials round the bottom: the body and sleeves of this dress are richly appliqued with lace...

Walking Dress, August 1814

"A lilac sarsnet petticoat, full flounce round the bottom, confined  by plaits or tufts of ribband of corresponding colour, and headed with a double border of the same...

Morning Walking Dress, September 1814

"A round robe of lilac or evening primrose-coloured sarsnet, trimmed entirely round the bosom with a quilling of blond lace, edged with chenille...

Morning Walking Dress, October 1814

"Jaconet muslin high dress, with a triple flounce of muslin embroidery round the edge, and slightly scalloped; a row of worked points surmounts the top flounce. The body is composed of jaconet muslin and letting-in lace; the former cut in broad strips and sewed full to the latter, which is about an inch in breadth...

Walking Dress, October 1814

"An evening primrose0coloured French sarsnet petticoat, trimmed round the bottom with a double row of clear muslin, drawn full with a narrow ribband of corresponding colour to the petticoat...

Promenade Dress, October 1814

"A celestial blue, or French grey silk skirt, buttoned, and trimmed down the front with a full border of lace, gathered on a plain heading, terminating at the bottom with a deep flounce of the same; high-drawn body, made either of sarsnet or India muslin;...

Walking Dress, November 1814

"An Italian striped sarsnet lilac-colored dress, ornamented round the bottom with a double quilling of satin ribband...

Carriage or Walking Dress, November 1814

"This walking or carriage dress is perfectly new, highly appropriate to the season, and will most probably be the prevailing morning dress for November. There is great ingenuity in the mantle...

Walking Dress, December 1814

"A pelisse, of short walking length, made either in erminette or silk velvet of puce color, open down the front, and bound entirely round with celestial blue satin, terminating at the feet with a broad border of white lace; high plain collar, and treble copes bound to correspond; full lace ruff....

Morning Walking Dress, January 1815

“Black velvet slip, finished at the bottom with a double row of perfectly novel trimming. Over this dress is a black satin pelisse, lined with rose-colour sarsnet,...

Walking Dress, January 1815

"The mantle which is worn with this dress is composed of the finest Morone, or plumb-coloured cloth lined with white sarsnet; the form of this mantle is the most striking, tasteful, elegant, and original that we have ever seen...

Walking Dress, March 1815

"Pelisse of short walking length made of evening primrose-coloured velvet, ornamented down the front with satin trimming; round capes, trimmed to correspond...

Promenade Dress, April 1815

"French cambric high-dress with a chemise back, something broader than those of last month, and a waist as short as it can be made. The sleeve, which is of course long, is singularly novel and tasteful as our readers will see by the Print; three rows of rich worked muslin,...

Angouleme Walking Dress, May 1815

"Half high dress of the finest cambric or jaconet muslin, made tight to the shape behind, and seamed up the back, round the arm-hole, and under the arms with narrow letting-in lace...

Walking Dress, June 1815

"Round dress of Pomona-green poplin, trimmed, as our readers will perceive by the Print, in a style of uncommon novelty and taste...

Promenade Dress, August 1815

"High dress, with plain body, buttoned or laced behind, composed of a rich satin-striped sarsnet of celestial blue and white colour, trimmed at the feet with white satin...

Half-Mourning Walking Dress, August 1815

"This very beautiful dress, which answers the double purpose of walking or dinner dress, is composed of clear muslin, and is made in a most original and tasteful style...

Walking Dress, September 1815

"Pelisse of French violet silk, or rich twilled violet sarsnet; it is made in the French style, open in front, very short in the waist, and the back drawn in behind with an easy fullness...

Walking Dress, October 1815

"A jaconet muslin high dress, the body similar to the dresses of last month; long sleeve, prettily and tastefully ornamented at top with letting-in lace...

Walking Dress, November 1815

"The pelisse dress is made of the finest French blue cloth, in a style of exquisite and tasteful novelty ... A trimming of the most novel description, composed of small silver buttons inserted in silk tufts, finishes it in a most original and tasteful style...

Promenade Dress, December 1815

"High dress composed of French cambric, made up to the throat, but without a collar; the body is quite plain at the top, but there is a slight fullness at the bottom of the waist behind...

Walking Dress, February 1816

"A morning dress composed of the finest dark mulberry ladies' cloth, finished at the bottom of the skirt with a new-invented trimming, which has an uncommonly light and pretty effect...

Walking Dress, June 1816

"Round dress of fine French cambric under a peliise of amber shot sarsnet, elegantly ornamented in a novel style with blue satin ribband...

Walking Dress, July 1816

"Round dress of fine French cambric; newly invented spenser of white satin and spring green; cornette of fine lace under a white satin hat, surmounted with three superb ostrich feathers...

Walking Dress, August 1816

"Round high dress of fine cambric, or jaconet muslin, ornamented at the bottom with four rows of Vandyke trimming of rich embroidery...

Morning Walking Dress, September 1816

"Round dress of fine leno worn over either a white or peach coloured slip; the dress flounced with the same, with a ribband of peach colour placed above the flounce...

Promenade Dress, December 1816

"A high dress of cambric muslin trimmed at the bottom with a single flounce of work. The body, which is composed entirely of work, fits the shape without any fulness...

Walking or Carriage Dress, January 1817

The pink coat is made of levantine, which is a twilled sarsnet. That seems a bit lightweight for a winter coat (sarsnet is a type of silk), but it is trimmed in all that white fur...

Walking Dress and Pelisse, April 1817

"Round dress of fine cambric, under a pelisse of emerald-green reps sarsnet, ornamented and faced with flutings of green and white satin, elegantly finished by British silk trimming...

Walking Dress, April 1817

"Muslin high dress, made walking length; the skirt trimmed with a deep double flounce of muslin, pointed round the edge, and worked in a light running pattern: the heading corresponds...

Walking Dress, August 1817

"A jaconet muslin round dress; the bottom of the skirt trimmed with five rows if embroidery, in a running patterns of leaves. The body is full; it is cut low round the bust, and the fulness is gathered in there and at the bottom of the waist by a narrow band of muslin ..."...

Walking Dress, September 1817

"Jaconet muslin round dress over a French grey sarsnet slip. The dress is richly worked round the bottom and up the front. High body, composed of alternate strips of byas-tucked muslin and letting-in lace...

Promenade Dress, October 1817

"With this dress is worn the Charlotte spencer, composed of cerulean blue satin; it is tight to the shape, the back a moderate breadth, and the waist short ...

Walking Dress, November 1817

“Cambric muslin high dress, the lower part of the body made full, and the upper part, which is tight to the bust, composed entirely of rich...

Mourning Walking Dress, December 1817

"A high dress composed of bombazine; the bottom of the skirt is ornamented with black crape, disposed in a very novel style. The body, which is made tight to the shape, wraps across to the right side; it is adorned in a very novel style of piping of black crape disposed like braiding, and finished by rosettes of crape...

Slight Mourning Walking Dress, December 1817

"Round dress of Norwich crape, with two flounces of white muslin broad hemmed or vandyked Spenser of reps silk, trimmed with crape, and surmounted by a triple ruff of white muslin...

Half Mourning Walking and Evening Dresses, January 1818

"For walking, or carriage costume, over this dress is worn a new and elegant wrapping cloak, made of grey mole-skin, or fine Bath coating; it descends to the feet, and is wide enough to protect the wearer from the inclemency of the weather...

Walking Dress, February 1818

"A pelisse composed of fine fawn-coloured cloth ... with trimming which goes down the front, and finishes the bottoms of the sleeves...

Walking Dress, March 1818

"A fawn-coloured poplin gown made half-length: the back is plain, and the front wraps a little to the left side; the body is trimmed with two rows of white satin ribbon painted in natural flowers....

Walking Dress, April 1818

"A pelisse composed of lavender-coloured reps silk, and lined with white sarsnet; it is fastened down the front by white silk buttons, and is ornamented at the bottom of the skirt with a rouleau of white satin, which is entwined with lavender-coloured silk cord...

Walking Dress, May 1818

"Bridal morning robe of fine cambric, richly embroidered, and trimmed with puckered muslin round the border and down the front...

Walking Dress, June 1818

"A high dress composed of pea-green sarsnet, made very short in the waist, and with a plain broad back...

Walking Dress, July 1818

"A round dress, composed of thin jaconet muslin, over a pale peach-coloured sarsnet slip: the body of the gown is made high, it has a little fulness at the bottom of the waist...

Morning Walking Dress, August 1818

"A high dress composed of jaconet muslin: the body ha a little fullness in the back; the fronts are plain, and wrap across in the style of a fichu. A row of richly worked trimming, headed with a doudle rouleau of muslin...

Promenade Dress, August 1818

"Petticoat of cambric muslin, handsomely trimmed of worked muslin of the wheel pattern, and two rows of open work...

Walking Dress, September 1818

"Round dress of printed muslin, of a cerulean blue spotted with black, with bordered flounces of the same material to correspond; between each flounce a layer placed of black brocaded satin ribband...

Walking Dress, October 1818

"The spencer worn with this dress is composed of dark blue gros de Naples; it is made tight to the shape, without seam, and richly ornamented with white satin...

Mourning Walking Dress, December 1818

"A round dress of black bombasine; the body is made tight to the shape and up to the throat, but without a collar; long sleeves, with white crape weepers: the skirt is finished at the bottom with a broad black crape flounce, disposed in large...

Half Mourning Walking Dress, January 1819

"A round dress of figured silk, the ground grey, with a small black leaf: the body is made partially high round the shoulders and back, but sloped low in front of the bust; it is trimmed with a puffing of grey crape...

Walking & Evening Dresses, May 1819

"Walking Dress: A round dress, composed of jaconet muslin; the skirt is moderately full; it is trimmed round the bottom with the same material, which is disposed in such a manner as to form, with an intermixture of cord, a very novel and fanciful trimming, for the form of which we refer to our print....

Sea Side Walking Dress, October 1819

"A bright blue satin spencer, with full puffings on the shoulders, and confined with pipings of white satin...

Walking Dress, December 1819

"A PELISSE composed of kerseymere: the colour is a peculiar shade of grey; it is lined with white sarsnet. The body is tight to the shape, the waist is rather long, and the sleeve is set in so as to just touch the point of the shoulder...

French Walking Dress, March 1821

Although this appears at first glance to be a pelisse, it is not. The print title calls it a "robe," so it is in fact a winter dress, not an...


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