Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, October 1809.
“Walking Dress.”
The hem length on this dress is much shorter than is typical for this year, especially in a walking dress. Perhaps the hem is meant be be shown as furled up by the wind in the act of walking.
Note that she is holding a quizzing glass, though it is called an opera glass. Note also that her bracelets are worn over the sleeve.
Here, as in other prints, the closed parasol is held by the tip and not the handle.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“A fine cambric or Indian muslin high gown, with long sleeves and falling collar, ornamented at the feet, and round the neck, with appliqued lace or needle-work. Deep amber broach, or gold filigree buckle, confining the dress at the throat and waist,with bracelets en suite. Gold chain and opera glass. The woodland hat of fine plaited straw or chip, with ostrich feather falling on one side. A French cloak of bright purple sarsnet or velvet, lined with amber or rose colour, and trimmed entirely round with broad black lace and beading. Purple parasol, with deep white or amber awning. Shoes and gloves of buff kid.”