Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, March 1814.
“Walking Dress.”
Described as a Promenade Costume in the text, that would make this a slightly more stylish and expensive ensemble than a basic walking dress. A Promenade Dress was meant to worn in Hyde Park during the fashionable late afternoon when Society strolled or drove or rode in the Park to see and be seen. The dress here is quite simple, but the sable fur trimming of the cloak and the velvet half-boots mark this as something above the everyday walking dress.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“PROMENADE OR CARRIAGE COSTUME. A white cambric robe, with full long sleeves, unornamented at the feet. Deep double Vandyke frill of lace, tied with a white cord and tassel at the throat; a deep Vandyke cuff of the same. The Austrian shawl cloak, composed of pale dove-coloured cloth, lined throughout with rose-coloured satin or sarsnet, trimmed entirely round with a broad sable fur; a fancy cape or hood terminating in the front of the bosom, and tied with a rose-coloured ribbon. A Circassian turban cap, composed of crimson velvet, ornamented with tufts of rose-coloured satin; a rich silk cord round the edge, terminated on one side correspondent tassels. Hair in full curls on each side, much divided in front of the forehead. Half-boots of crimson velvet. Gloves of lemon-coloured kid, or pale tan colour.”