Walking Dress, April 1818

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, April 1818.

“Walking Dress”

It is always interesting to me when a description of a print, as here, takes so much time to describe the dress that cannot be seen beneath the pelisse. Even the ruff is part of the pelisse, so not a single inch of the described dress is visible.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A cambric muslin round dress, the skirt gored and rather full; the bottom is finished by a deep flounce of soft muslin, which is cut in scollops, and edged with narrow lace; this flounce is surmounted by a broad piece of soft muslin honey-combed, and flushed at each edge by muslin scollops. High body, made tight to the shape, and richly let in with work. Plain long sleeve, finished at the wrist by three narrow scolloped flounces. Over this dress is worn a pelisse composed of lavender-coloured reps silk, and lined with white sarsnet; it is fastened down the front by white silk buttons, and is ornamented at the bottom of the skirt with a rouleau of white satin, which is entwined with lavender-coloured silk cord. The back is tight to the shape, and has a narrow braiding at each side. The front is finished as far as the waist by rich white silk frogs and braiding. There is a small standing collar, which is lined with white satin The sleeve is rather tight, and surmounted by an epaulette, which is looped to the shoulder, and ornamented with a white cord and tassels. Small white lace ruff. Head-dress the chapeau et toque de Berri: the toque part is composed of lavender-coloured satin, the hat of velvet to correspond; the crown is very low, and brim deep, and turns up all round; a full plume of white ostrich feathers is placed so as to fall over the left side. Kid gloves, and half-boots to correspond with the pelisse.”

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