Promenade Dress, August 1815

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, August 1815

“Promenade Dress”

The hand-coloring on this print is excellent. Imagine having to paint those tiny stripes to perfectly follow the shape of the skirt and the sleeves. And to have to do it 2000 times. (The circulation of the magazine at this time was approximately 2000 copies.) Amazing work from a very steady hand.

Shoes that laced above the ankles were known as sandals, and these are an especially pretty example (even if shown on impossibly tiny feet). Note also the quizzing glass on a gold chain.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“High dress, with plain body [ie bodice], buttoned or laced behind, composed of a rich satin-striped sarsnet of celestial blue and white colour, trimmed at the feet with white satin; long loose sleeve, confined at the wrist with a fulling of tull [ie tulle], edged with white satin; a deep full ruff, of the French work, round the neck; a short sash of white satin ribbon, tied behind. A French bonnet, composed of tull fulled in, and alternate folds of white satin; a roll of white satin, laced with tull, ornaments the edge of the bonnet; satin strings, tied under the ear. Necklace of Oriental gold. Stockings elastic or ribbed silk. Sandals crossed high up the ankle with blue ribbon. Gloves Limerick of blue kid. Parasol of shaded silk.”

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