Walking Dresses, June 1809

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, June 1809.

“Walking Dresses.”

This is from the first year of publication for this magazine. During 1809 and 1810, there were many prints featuring women and children or groups of women. Within a few years, the single-figure print became the norm. I love the detail in this print, with the child’s hat tossed carelessly on the floor, as well as the beautifully painted faces. And I adore the Venetian spencer!

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Standing figure: A Venetian spencer of violet satin, or sarsnet, with a row of small round buttons embroidered in silver, with a pendent loop to each; confined at the neck with a silk cord or silver tassel. [Note: it’s hard to see online, but the buttons are painted in bright silver metallic paint.] Beaver hat of the same colour, rather small, turned up in the front, with a silver button and loop. Worked muslin dress and skirt to shew the feet and ankles. Black silk slippers and York tan gloves.

“Sitting figure: Muslin underdress, with full loose sleeves; a tunic à l’antique of yellow crape, trimmed with broad lace round the bottom; yellow silk head-dress, with short veil. Purple mantle, lined with white. York tan gloves.

“Child’s Dress: Swedish coat of grey cloth or silk, clasped down the front with silver ornaments; short open sleeves. Hat of same colour, turned up with silver loop.”

I’m guessing the child is a girl, though it’s sometimes difficult to tell during this period when little boys were skirts, too.

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