Walking Dresses, May 1808

Fashions of London and Paris, May 1808.

“Walking Dresses.”

This print shows the front and back of the same pelisse, which would seem to be very helpful to dress-makers and the home seamstress. We only see the dress beneath in the right figure. Each figure wears a different bonnet, representing various ways to accessorize this ensemble.

The combination of pink and green and white is quite striking, the pink lining of the pelisse matching the bodice of the dress. It’s interesting that in the description the bodice is called a waistcoat.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Fig. 1.–A pelisse of sage-coloured sarsnet, made quite plain over the back, and with a full robing, which may be tied down in back, as represented, or left loose to wrap around the neck. A bonnet of the same colour, trimmed with pink.

“Fig. 2.–Represents the front of the pelisse in Fig. 1. The front, or waistcoat, made of pink silk, to match the lining of the pelisse; a short round dress of thick muslin. A bonnet of white silk, made very low on one side, and high on the other; trimmed with the same.”

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