Evening and Walking Dresses, August 1801

Fashions of London and Paris, August 1801.

“Full Dress. Walking Dress.”

The full dress, on the left, is embellished throughout with metallic silver paint — impossible to see online, but very bright in person. This must have been a lovely dress in a ballroom or reception hall, with all that silver trim sparkling under the candlelight.

I love how the walking dress, all in white, is accessorized with pops of color: the bright green bonnet and bright yellow shoes.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Fig. 1.–Fancy dress of worked muslin, trimmed with lace and silver: the sleeves full and confined with silver. Turban of crape, ornamented with silver; white ostrich feathers in front.

“Fig. 2.–Walking dress of white cambric muslin, made tight over the bosom, with a collar to turn back, trimmed all round with lace; long sleeves,confined above the elbow in two places; petticoat [ie under-dress] of the same, with a narrow flounce round the bottom. Bonnet of green silk, tied down with a handkerchief; nankeen shoes.”

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