Promenade Dresses, July 1810

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, July 1810.

“Promenade Dresses.”

In the early years of this publication, we see several prints showing two figures, but three figures are quite rare. Beginning in late 1812, only single-figure prints are shown going forward.

It is interesting that these are called Promenade Dresses, and  Kensington Gardens is referenced in the description. Both terms would indicate late afternoon promenades in the Park at the fashionable hour, when one’s best walking attire would have been worn. Yet two of these dresses are called morning wear, which would have been worn for shopping excursions, church, etc., but not not for the fashionable afternoon promenade.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

First figure.–A Spanish pelisse of white and lilac shot sarsnet, with Egyptian crape and antique cuffs, trimmed with Chinese scallopped binding, ornamented up the front with the same, and united with correspondent buttons. A woodland hat of lemon-coloured chip, with curled ostrich feather, lilac and white, drooping towards the left side. Figured lemon-coloured slippers; lemon-coloured kid gloves; gold neck-chain and broach; ridicule of painted velvet.

Second figure.–Around morning dress of white muslin, with appliqued lace round the bottom; bosom and sleeves ornamented with the same. A unella veil and cloak of superfine black French lace. Half-boots of blossom-coloured kid, laced with white. Blossom-coloured parasol, with Chinese awning.

Third figure. —A white cambric morning wrap, edged with lace or needlework. A spencer cloak, with military front and collar, composed of cornelian blue shot sarsnet, ornamented with silk basket buttons, and braids to correspond. A helmet mob cap, formed of the same material, interspersed with joining lace, and edged round the face with antique lace. Blue parasol, and half-boots of blue kid, bound and laced with black.”

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