Walking Dress, October 1807

La Belle Assemblée, October 1807.

“London Walking Dress for September 1807.”

Walking Dress September 1807

In the early years of La Belle Assemblée and Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, fashion prints sometimes showed mothers with children. After 1812, almost no prints in these publications, or any others, include children.

This print is one of the few I’ve seen where the magazine description includes the child’s dress.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

A Lady and Her Child attired in the most elegant fashions of the season.

Lady’s Dress–A round gown with a short train,ornamented at he feet in flutings of muslin or needlework; a long sleeve rucked, with a full top; frock back, and lapelled bosom cut low, and trimmed with scalloped lace. A chapeau à la bocage of imperial chip or sarsnet, ornamented with a wreath of ivy or jonquille; a single sprig of the same in front of the bosom in lieu of a brooch. A shawl of Chinese silk, thrown negligently over the shoulders. Hair in a single band across the forehead, relieved by loose curls in front and at the sides. Hoop ear-rings of amber of carnelian. Straw coloured kid gloves and shoes.

Child’s Dress–A frock and trowsers of fine cambric, bordered at the bottom in rich fancy Vandyke; French back and bosom cut very low and ornamented with the same; Circassian sleeve very short. The Moorish boot or high pomposa of bright yellow kid, laced with purple. Sash to correspond, tied in short bows and ends behind.”


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