La Belle Assemblée, June 1813.
“Afternoon Promenade Dress”
This is one of those simple white dresses that is actually not as simple as it looks. It includes a white spencer jacket that appears to be part of the dress, and was in fact designed to match the dress.
I love the Johnston parasol here, though I have no idea who it was named after. Or perhaps Johnston was the manufacturer?
One of the things that sets La Belle Assemblée prints apart from those of Ackermann’s Repository is that the figures are often set against lovely backgrounds. Here we have a seaside scene with cliffs and sailing vessels in the background.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“Short dress of jaconet muslin, made rather scantier in the skirt than they have been worn, and cut down as much a possible all round the bosom and back of the neck. The body is full, but drawn in at the top of the back, which is ornamented with a white silk button, and confined to the waist by a girdle of rich white figured ribband; a jacket of the same materials as the gown, fastened to the waist by a white silk button, completes this truly elegant dress, which is unequalled for tasteful simplicity. Over this our fair pedestrians throw a sky-blue scarf. Bonnet of white willow shavings, ornamented with a flower and wreath of sky-blue, tied under the chin with a ribband to correspond. Hair dress in very loose curls on each side of the temple, and divided very much in front. Gloves and sandals of sky-blue kid. Necklace and ear-rings of white cornelian. Johnston parasol. This elegant appendage to the walking costume is also of sky-blue silk, and finished with a rich and deep fringe; it has very recently made its appearance, and is already a general favourite.”