Gallery of Fashion, November 1798.
“Evening Dress.”
This print shows a very unique hairdo, using 5 bandeaus of laurel leaves. I imagine keeping all of them in place must have been something of a challenge, no doubt requiring lots of hairpins.
The pops of red are quite dramatic against the white dress and silver robe. The red net and fringe at the hem of the robe is especially striking and unusual.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“The front of the toupee dressed in easy curls round the face; the back part and the hind hair dressed in large curls, and crossed with five different bandeaus of laurel, and a branch of laurel placed in the front. Petticoat of fine muslin, with a rich embroidered border. Robe of silver muslin, buttoned in the front of the body with cornelian buttons; the train bordered with a deep coquelicot net and fringe; trimming of rich broad lace round the neck; dress sleeves. Coquelicot and black woven sash, with fringe and tassels round the waist; and coquelicot riband bordered in black, with a bow, round the neck, and fastened in the front. Pearl necklace. Diamond ear-rings, White gloves and shoes.”