Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, June 1810.
“Evening or Full Dress”
I love this print as it shows two women admiring an encased portrait miniature. Is one showing the other a picture of her sweetheart?
The deep lace edging the neck, shoulders, and back of the pink dress is called a pelerine in the description. Most pelerines were cape-like collars that swept from neck to shoulders. The bit of lace on this dress covers very little, so I’m not sure why it is called a pelerine. And a few sentences later, it is called a tippet, which is a short cape or boa-like stole. Very confusing.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“A round robe, with long sleeves, and demi-traine of white gossamer, or white crape, over a pink satin slip. The Maria Louisa pelerine of the most delicate French net, trimmed round with broad lace, and confined in the center of the bosom with a broach of pink topaz, set round with brilliants. A deep ruffle at the wrist, of lace similar to the tippet. Hair confined from the roots behind, and fastened with a Parisian pin of diamonds, in front, and on the sides, in blended curls and ringlets: a diamond tulip or crescent in front. Necklace ear-rings, and bracelets, to correspond. Roman slippers of white kid, with silver clasps and binding. An occasional scarf of buff or purple silk, with variegated border and ends. Gloves of white French kid, and opera fan of carved ivory.
“Second figure: A white crape, leno, or net frock, over a blue sarsnet slip; short sleeves, rather full; the bosom and bottom of the sleeve furnished with a border of small blue roses; the bottom of the frock edged with a scalloped lace: the eagle’s paw clasp of silver confines the extremity of the waist. The ornaments are of pearl, and the shoes white satin.”