Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, February 1810.
As the model is holding an opera glass, one might assume this is an Opera Dress, which would put it in the category of Half-Dress. But both the print title and the description call it Full Dress. Perhaps the train, the lush fabrics, and the diamond jewelry push it into the more formal Full Dress category.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“A purple velvet round robe, with demi-traine and long sleeves; bordered round the bottom, bosom, and wrists with narrow gold lace. A Spanish hat, composed of purple silk or velvet, the same as the robe, looped up in front with brilliants, and ornamented with curled ostrich feathers. A capuchin cloak of white satin, trimmed entirely round with full swansdown. Diamond chain and cross; drop ear-rings and bracelets of the same; gold chain and opera glass. Grecian slippers of white satin, trimmed with silver.”