Full Dress, May 1811

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, May 1811.

“Full Dress”

This is one of the few instances where this magazine’s print does not, in my opinion, do justice to the description of the dress, especially in the details. It sounds much more gorgeous than it looks.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A BALL OR FULL DRESS. A Roman robe of pink crape, worn over white gossamer satin. A long Spanish slashed sleeve, with an antique cuff of fine lace; horizontal stripe front, with a quilling of fine net round the bosom. The slashes of the sleeve filled with folds of white satin, and their terminations finished with silver filigree or mother of pearl buttons. A cestus [ie belt] of white satin, with corresponding clasp and broach. Hair in waved curls, confined round the head with a wreath of Persian roses, separated in the center of the forehead. Neck-chain and cross of Peruvian gold — ear-drops of the same. An occasional scarf of Paris net, starred with silver. White satin slippers, ornamented with pink rosettes. White gloves of French kid; and fan of spangled grape.”

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