Fashions of London and Paris, December 1807.
“Evening Dresses.”
The lady in red wears what we might call a boa, but was known as a tippet at the time. It is not described in the description, but looks as if it might be made of swansdown.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“TWO FULL DRESSES. Fig. 1.– A dress of amaranthus-coloured muslin, spotted or plain, over an underdress of white satin or sarsnet; the train about half a quarter on the ground, trimmed with rich lace; the body made quite plain; the sleeves rather full and trimmed with lace. The hair dressed with a wreath of flowers the colour of the dress. Cornelian necklace. White gloves and shoes.
“Fig. 2.–A ball or dancing dress, of very fine muslin; the train made quote short, and very richly embroidered round the bottom; stripes of lace let in from the top of the back to the bottom of the dress; the front to correspond; the sleeves very short, with lace; and underdress of white sarsnet. The hair dressed with a tiara of gold. Gold necklace. White gloves and shoes.”
The following is noted under General Observations:
“The prevailing colours are amaranthus, deep yellow, and light slate. The morning dresses, sarsnet is considered the most genteel; for evening (except in full dress), kersimeres and bombazeens. All high colours are very much worn. The dresses continue to be made very much in the same style as usual; low frock backs, with high fronts formed to the shape; lace of various colours to match the dresses has lately been introduced, and has a very elegant appearance.”