La Belle Assemblée, April 1810.
I find it interesting that the majority of prints in my collection from 1810 show long sleeves, both for day and evening wear, and throughout the seasons. I am reminded of Mrs. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice bemoaning the fact that long sleeves were back in fashion. However, the dark pink dress on the left, looks as though the long sleeves were detachable.
Although the print is labeled “Evening Dresses,” I would guess these ensembles are half dress, or even half full dress, rather than full dress. The necklines are quite high for formal wear, and the hats lend a hint of informality not seen in full dress.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“No. 1–A robe of amaranthus figured sarsnet, made to sit high in the neck, with a full cuff of lace; long sleeves with short loose tops trimmed with swansdown. A turban of amaranthus crape and velvet. Gold brooch and earrings. Swansdown muff. White kid gloves and shoes. Hair in light ringlet curls.
“No. 2–A round dress of white muslin made high over the bosom, with short sleeves trimmed with lace, and ornamented round the bottom with three rows of small tucks. A spotted ermine tippet. A cap composed of fluted satin and lace, bound in tight to the head, and ornamented with a full bunch of apple blossom. Earrings and brooch of gold, Gloves and shoes of white kid. Hair in light round curls.”