Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, September 1816.
“Evening Dress”
The pearl necklace looks to be of seed pearls, and is quite lovely. It also has a very modern look. Note also the gold fob at the waist, not mentioned in the description. Ladies often mimicked the male watch chain and fob. Sometimes the chain did indeed hold a small watch, but judging by those seen in fashion prints, the chain most often held a decorative fob.
Though the deep flounces of this period generally don’t appeal to me, the lace on the flounces shown here looks as though it would have been beautiful in person.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“A white British net dress over a white sarsnet slip; the dress is trimmed round the bottom with a deep double flounce of lace, surmounted by a wreath of roses, immediately above which is a rollio of white satin. This trimming is uncommonly tasteful and striking. The body and the sleeves are of the same material as the dress; the former is full, and cut in a very novel style: a qulling of blond lace goes round the bosom, which comes high at the sides, but is sloped very much just in front. A small bouquet of moss roses shades the bosom, and give an elegant finish to the dress. The sleeve, short and extremely full, is divided into compartment by rollios of satin. Head-dress a wreath of moss roses, fancifully intermixed with corn-flowers; the hair very becomingly dressed in light loose ringlets on the forehead, and moderately high behind. A superb white lace scarf, thrown round the shoulders, partially shades the back of the neck. Necklace ear-rings, and bracelets, pearl. White satin slippers, and white kid gloves.
“We are indebted to the condescension of a lady of distinguished rank for both our dresses this month.”