Full and Half Dresses, March 1799

Fashions of London and Paris, March 1799.

“London Full & Half Dress.”

Though it is difficult to see online, all the silver trimming on the full dress on the left is painted in bright silver metallic paint.

This magazine was short on descriptions, and I wish there was more detail about the full dress. The red “waistcoat” is an unusual garment, and that term is seldom used for women’s wear. The “robe” is the three-quarter length garment trimmed in red. It could be sleeveless, but it is difficult to tell if the sleeves belong to the robe or the underdress. The long underdress is also trimmed in red, and what appears to be a three-quarter length tunic is worn over it. Such a complicated garment deserves more description.

Click here to learn more about Half Dress and here to learn more about Full Dress.

The print is described is the magazine as follows”

“LONDON FULL DRESS. Turban of white crape, trimmed with silver, oriental plume. Robe of white muslin, and waistcoat of scarlet muslin, or kerseymere. Trimmed with silver and fur. Silver epaulets and lacings.

“LONDON HALF DRESS. Bonnet of black and blue velvet, with father and tassel. LeBrun’s brown sarsnett robe, trimmed with fur, blue belt and collar. Bear muff.”


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