La Belle Assemblée, January 1814.
The long sleeves look as though they might be detachable, though they are not described as such.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“Frock of ruby velvet, superbly ornamented with silver trimming; it is made a walking length, very short in the waist, and extremely low in the neck; a stomacher front displays the shape to a very great advantage; the trimming, as our readers will see by the Plate, is put on narrow at the waist, and is gradually wider as it approaches the bottom of the dress. The trimming is uncommonly light and beautiful; it is composed of silver thread in the shape of small rosettes, and from the middle of each bar that is placed across the dress, depends a small tassel. A row of rich narrow lace goes round the bottom of the dress, and a very short epaulet sleeve of ruby velvet is ornamented to correspond. White long sleeves of real lace, clasped at the wrist by bracelets of ruby velvet edged with pearl; necklace and ear-rings rubies or pearls. White kid gloves and slippers. Hair dressed in front in a profusion of light loose curls, fastened up behind à-la-Grecque by a small comb to correspond with the necklace; the ends of the hind hair are suffered to fall in luxurious ringlets on the neck. A superb white lace veil thrown occasionally over the shoulders, finishes the dress.–This dress is the invention of Mrs. Schabner, of Tavistock-street.”