French Morning Dress, October 1802

Journal des Dames et des Modes, Paris, October 27, 1802.

Turban à la Mameluck. Boucles d”Oreilles de Corail.

I love this print, as it shows a lady sketching a classical sculpture while wearing a very neo-classical dress. There are several Costume Parisien prints in this year showing the model painting or drawing or carrying a portfolio. Almost the only time we see any type of action in British prints is when they have been “borrowed” from this French publication.

There is no description of the print in the text, only that provided beneath the print. And that only describes the turban and the coral earrings. The “Mameluck” turban is made of twisted striped fabric. There were lots of exotic Middle Eastern names given to fashion accessories at this time. Jane Austen wrote to her sister in 1799 about wearing a “Mamalouc cap.”

We can see the short sleeve of the white underdress. The sleeveless overdress is of pale orange or peach colored. A long shawl of pink and peach is thrown over one shoulder and allowed to drag the ground on the other side. It looks to have a wide embroidered pattern at the end.

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