Gentleman’s Day Wear, June 1810

Journal des Dames et des Modes, Paris, June 15, 1810.

“Chapeau Cintré. Habit à Collet étroit. Bottes à Talon haut.”

This appears to be a young man of high fashion. His hat, coat, and pantaloons are of a style that pushes the norm just a bit so that he is au courant but not over-the-top.

His rakish top hat has a deeply curved brim. Beneath the hat we can see waved hair that was likely the most up-to-date style for young Incroyables.

His doubled-breasted coat is not the typical open lapel style, but is buttoned all the way up to the neck, with a very narrow collar. The sleeves are quite long, falling over the fingers in the typical French style. The cutaway is styled much closer to the front, so that the tails begin over the front of the hips rather than on the side. Beneath the waist we catch of glimpse of what appears to be multiple fobs or other ornaments grouped on a single loop.

Beneath the coat we can see very high shirt points and a simply tied neckcloth. There is also a hint of what might be a white waistcoat underneath.

The skin tight gray pantaloons, very fashionable for a fit young man,  are embellished with braiding at the fall, and possibly down the sides, like a stripe. High-heeled black Hessian boots complete the look. Strolling down the boulevard with his walking stick, this young man would no doubt have turned a few heads.

This print was designed by Carle Vernet in the last year he worked for this magazine, for which he had contributed scores of designs since 1798. It was engraved by Pierre Baquoy.

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