Half Full Dress, July 1813

La Belle Assemblée, July 1813.

“Half Full Dress.”

Here’s another one of those dresses identified as a Half Full Dress, ie a step up from a Half Dress but not quite as grand as Full Dress. It’s a bit difficult to see what makes this dress Half Full and not Full, but I suspect readers of the magazine knew exactly what it meant.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Gown of pale blue and light sarsnet, shot with white, made a walking length and more scanty in the skirt than we have observed them for some time past. The back and front of the body are white lace; for the back, we refer our readers to the Print; the front is the exact shape of the bosom, and is finished as well as the top of the back, with small white silk ornaments, similar to those worn at the ends of tassels, but made as light as possible. Waist the same as last month. Long sleeve, finished at the wrist by a letting-in lace and silk ornaments, and an epaulet sleeve of white lace trimmed in a similar manner. A band of blue embroidered ribband round the waist, fastened in front by a clasp of gold mixed with pearl, gives an elegant finish to this dress. Queen Elizabeth ruff, of very rich and broad lace, shades the back of the neck; the dress is cut down as much as possible in the front. Hair cropped behind, and dressed in light loose curls in front, very much parted on one side of the forehead; no ornament except a braid of hair. White and pink cornelian necklace and ear-rings, ivory fan, and white kid gloves and slippers.”


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