Opera Dress, March 1811

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, March 1811.

“Opera Dress.”

The general commentary on fashion in this issue of the magazine states that after the long mourning for Princess Amelia, and the illness of the king following her death and hopes for his speedy recovery, (he never does recover), it is something of a joy to see bright colors again.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A simple French frock of white gossamer satin-sarsnet, or crape,, with a short sleeve, edged at its several terminations with narrow silver braiding: cestus and clasp to suit. A short Roman tunic coat, of pale amber-shot sarsnet, or velvet, with short standing collar, trimmed down each side with broad white lace. The coat thrown open in front of the figure. Necklace and ear-rings of pearl, or Mocho stone. Hair in waved curls in front, simply confined on the crown of the head with a pearl or other ornamental comb. Slippers the same as the coat, with small silver clasps. Gloves of white kid.”

If you’re not familiar with Mocho stone (I wasn’t), it is another name for moss agate.






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