Figure 7

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts
June 1816
“Evening Dress”

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“This dress is composed of white lace, and worn over a rich soft satin slip; the skirt is finished round the bottom by a deep flounce of lace and three narrow byas satin tucks, which are surmounted by a wreath of beautiful fancy flowers. The body and sleeves are peculiarly elegant and novel; a satin front, which forms the shape in an easy and becoming style, is ornamented at each side with a light embroidery of flowers, and finished with bows of ribbon. The sleeve, for which we must refer our readers to the print, is, we think, the most tasteful that has been lately introduced. The hair is parted so as partially to display the forehead, and ornamented with a wreath of flowers. Necklace, ear-rings, and bracelets of diamonds. White kid gloves, and white satin slippers richly embroidered in coloured silks. A rich white lace scarf is thrown carelessly over the left shoulder, and partially shades one side of the neck.”