Riding Habit, May 1801

Journal des Dames et des Modes, Paris, May 25, 1801.

“Amazone de Lonchamp”

This very French riding costume would likely have been the height of fashion in 1801. The hat in particular makes a bold fashion statement. The accompanying text in this publication almost never describes the print, but merely describes the newest fashion trends. In this case, the text does mention that more horsewomen of Lonchamp have adopted the plumed Hussar bonnet. The British would refer to this style of tall brimless hat as a helmet. In any case, it is certainly stylish, with its chevron stripes on one side and buttons on the other.

The habit skirt is trimmed down the center with a dark zigzag trimming, which is also used on the lapels and cuffs of the habit jacket. There is the tiniest peplum at the back of the jacket, which is cut very high. Underneath the jacket is a simple white habit shirt.

The gloves, probably kid leather, are yellow to match the habit

The bright red shoes are another French touch. It is interesting to note how many French prints of riding habits show slippers rather than half-boots, which would seem more appropriate for riding.







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