Riding Habits

Riding Habits, Overview

A distinctive equestrian costume for women, the riding habit, was first introduced in the 17th century. They were tailored by men in the manner of men's dress: a fitted jacket worn over a long skirt, often worn with a masculine hat....

Walking and Riding Dresses, November 1795

"Round gown of muslin, embroidered in colours; long sleeves; double flounce at the bottom...

Riding Habits, December 1798

"Riding habits of the most fashionable colours, corbeau or olive. The hats of velvet, or beaver and of all colours with small plumes. Shirts and cravats worn in place of...

Riding Habit, November 1799

This riding habit is interesting in that it appears to consist of a dress and a spencer, and not the more typical matching skirt and jacket of blue, green, or gray...

Walking and Riding Dresses, August 1800

"Round hat of green and white chip. Wreath of red roses. White veil. Round dress of white muslin. Scarf of green muslin...

Riding Habit, May 1801

The habit skirt is trimmed down the center with a dark zigzag trimming, which is also used on the lapels and cuffs of the habit jacket...

Riding Habit, March 1803

Habits were composed of a skirt with attached bodice, and a jacket. A habit shirt, or a short trucker, would have been worn beneath the bodice...

Riding Habit, May 1803

The jacket lapels framed by rows of buttons, the full ruff collar, and the typically French long sleeves that fell well below the wrist. The skirt, as with all riding habits, is cut very full and long...

Riding Habit, December 1803

The short jacket has the typical peplum back always seen in habits, and is beautifully cut. The peplum is studded with buttons...

Riding Habit, March 1804

This light blue wool habit shows classical male styling, especially in the jacket...

Riding Habit, November 1804

The styling is simple, and somewhat masculine. The jacket has lapels and a standing collar, and appears to be single-breasted...

Riding Habit, July 1806

The habit is made of nankin, a yellow or buff-colored firm-textured cotton...

Riding Habit, March 1807

"An equestrian habit of fine seal-wool cloth, with elastic strap; the colour blue, with convex buttons of dead gold...

Evening Dress and Riding Dress, September 1808

"A round dress of white Imperial sarsnet, or Italian crape, with a Roman tunick or amber satin, or Chinese silk...

Riding Habit, December 1811

"Of fine Georgian cloth; colour a pale lead or olive tinge; ornamented with frogs à la militaire in front...

Riding Habit, June 1812

“A habit of bright green ornamented down the front and embroidered at the cuffs à la militaire with black...

Riding Habit, August 1812

"Made of ladies habit cloth, of Maria Louisa blue, trimmed down each side of the front with Spanish buttons...

Riding Habit, October 1815

“The habit from which our print is designed was composed of the finest pelisse cloth, the body is formed in a most novel style...

French Riding Habit, April 1816

The jacket here is tailored in a severe masculine style, double-breasted with a high collar. Like most habits, especially French ones, the sleeves are quite long, hanging below the knuckles....

Riding Habit, June 1816

“Of fine blue Merino cloth, embroidered and ornamented round the bust and cuffs in a novel and unique style...

Riding Habit, June 1817

The tight-fitting double-breasted habit jacket exhibits trends seen in other fashionable garments of this time, especially the very high waist, long sleeves with fuller shoulders, and the shoulder seam dropped slightly...

Riding Habit, July 1817

"Habit of fine Merino cloth, or the Florentia blue colour, finished about the bust and cuffs with Peruvian trimmings. Blue military cap, ornamented with plumes of feathers and rich silk cordons. Ruff of fine Mechlin lace....

Glengary Habit, September 1817

“It is composed of the finest pale blue cloth, and richly ornamented with frogs and braiding to correspond. The front, which is braided on each side, fastens under the body of the habit, which slopes down on each side in a very novel style...

Riding Habit, May 1818

"Homberg habit of fine Royal blue cloth; the skirt, which is very wide and long, is superbly embroidered up the front with braid, in a new and elegant manner...

Riding Habit, July 1818

"A habit composed of fine slate-coloured cloth; the skirt is of a moderate fulness, and finished up the front with braiding...


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