Collections in Print

Jane Austen’s Wardrobe

Two of Candice's fashion prints are used in this book about Jane Austen and...

Luxus & Lifestyle: Weimar and the Wide World

One of Candice's fashion prints is used in the beautiful catalog from an exhibit at the Goethe Museum in Düsseldorf,...

The Rose and the Nightingale

Several of Candice's throwaway scent bottles are featured in this catalog of an exhibition at the Israel Museum,...

At Home With Jane Austen

One of Candice's fashion prints is used in this book about Jane...

Jane Austen’s Regency World

See two of Candice's vinaigrettes in a short article she wrote for this...

My Lady Scandalous

This biography of Grace Dalrymple Elliot includes images from Candice's...

Tea With Jane Austen

One of Candice's fashion prints is used on the back cover of this...


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