Half Dress, September 1816

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, September 1816.

“Half Dress”

This dress exhibits all aspects of the late Regency style: fuller skirt, heavily flounced; very full long sleeves; and very high waist.

Half Dress designates the dress as appropriate for the opera, theater, dinner parties, and other informal evening parties.

Note the striped slippers, which I find charming.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A striped sarsnet gown, very richly trimmed round the bottom with a flounce of deep work, finished with a heading: a second flounce is set on at some distance, which is much narrower; it is also finished with a heading. Bows of Pomona green ribbon ornament the skirt a little above the flounce.

“The body is cut very low; it is full. The sleeve is long, very loose, and fancifully trimmed with bows of Pomona green ribbon, to correspond with the trimming of the skirt: the sleeve is finished by a very novel and pretty cuff of pointed lace. Fichu à la Duchesse de Berri, composed of white lace, which comes very high; but though it shades the neck in the most delicate manner, it does not be any means give an idea of dishabille; on the contrary, it might be worn in full dress. Hair cropped, and dressed in very full curls in the neck, and very full on the forehead. Striped kid slippers to correspond with the dress.White kid gloves. Necklace white cornelian, with a small gold cross. Ear-rings white cornelian.”

After the description of the second print, the following is added:

“We are indebted to the condescension of a lady of distinguished rank for both our dresses this month.”

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