Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, April 1813.
“Morning Dress.”
This is clearly an indoor morning dress, loose and comfortable, not meant for outdoors or for visiting. The “bonnet-cap” — so-called perhaps because it seems to have a bit of a brim, which caps generally do not — is unfortunately not the most flattering head-dress.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“MORNING COSTUME. A Polonese robe and petticoat, of fine cambric or jaconet muslin, ornamented at its several terminations with a border of net-work, finished with an edging of muslin, gathered very full, and a vandyke cuff, en suite, A bonnet-cap, composed of jonquille satin, and treble borders of scollopped, confined on one side with ribband of the same colour. Gloves and slippers of yellow kid.–This robe, so attractive, novel, and elegant, is more particularly adapted to the slender or tall figure; and is furnished us from the house of Mrs. Gill, of Cork-street, Burlington Gardens, to whose unrivalled taste, unique elegance, and novelty of design, we have for sometime past been indebted for the superior order of female fashions by which, we flatter ourselves, this publication is ever distinguished.”