Dinner Dress, September 1815

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, September 1815.

“Dinner Dress.”

I love this print and used it as the cover for An Affair of Honor

The dress is described as primrose in color, and some of the trimming as evening primrose. Both colors are usually yellow, with evening primrose being slightly darker. All copies I have seen of this print (I own 2 copies) show this lovely soft blue color. One wonders if the colorists were given the wrong directions? In any case, I much prefer the dress in blue. I don’t believe it would be nearly as striking in yellow.

The designation of Dinner Dress places this ensemble in the category of Half Dress, which is fancier than day wear, but not as fancy as Full Dress.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A white satin slip, worn under a dress made in primrose-coloured French gauze, terminating at the feet with a full flounce of blond lace, headed with a double border of the same, gathered in full, and confined with folds of satin, of corresponding colour to the dress; handkerchief front, trimmed with white satin, and a falling collar of blond lace; long sleeves of white satin, the fullness upon the shoulder confined under an epaulet of the French gauze, trimmed with white satin; the sleeve drawn alternately across the arm with the evening primrose-coloured satin ribbon. Long sash of white satin, tied in front. The ends of the hind hair brought forward, to fall in ringlets over the temple, confined with a plain white satin ribbon, and ornamented with a tiara of pearl. Necklace to correspond. Gloves, French kid, Slippers, white satin.”

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