Hats, December 1804

Fashions of London and Paris, December 1804.

“London, Head Dresses.”

Though these hats are from 1804, some of them (Nos. 2, 5, 7, and 9, which is the back of 7) look like they are from 1904. The hats of these early years of the new century are much more varied in shape and style than the more standardized styles of the the 1810s. Also, we don’t see many plaids and other printed fabrics used much beyond the first decade of the century, as we see here.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“No. 1.–A turban of coquelicot velvet, and white crape.

“No. 2.–A curricle hat of feather velvet.

“No. 3.–A white lace veil, confined to the head with riband; bow in front.

“No. 4.–A turban of coloured silk and white lace.

“No. 5.–A large hat of white satin, turned up in front and ornamented with feathers.

“No. 6.–A morning cap of coloured silk, with a full border of lace or muslin.

“No. 7.–A large hat of plaid silk, turned up before, and ornamented with feathers.

“No. 8.–A cap of white lace and riband.

“No. 9.–Represents the back part of the hat, No. 7.”

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