
Hats, May 1799

"Turban en ruche. This head dress, which takes its name from a beehive, has been made up of deep red gauze, upon a white ground...

Hats, September 1799

"Turban of cambrick muslin and purple sattin....

Hats, October 1799

"Fig. 1 and 2 represent the front and side of the hermit hat, which is fancifully made of willow, bound with ribband, with a wreath of orange roses in front. This hat has lately been imported from Paris by Miss Barry, Milliner to the Duchess of York, New Bond Street, and is worn by several ladies of high rank....

London Head Dresses, May 1800

"The Venetian Bonnet, made of straw and trimmed with straw flowers, the strings fastened with a bow behind and tied loose on the bosom...

Hats, August 1800

"Turban of white crape, ornamented with beads and white feathers in front. Bows on the top of the crown and behind....

Walking Dress Outer Garments and Bonnets, June 1801

"Spencer of lilac silk, trimmed round the waist with very deep lace. The sleeves long and full; the collar and bottoms of the sleeves trimmed with black lace...

Hats, August 1801

"No. 1.--A bonnet of lilac silk; the crown full and confined with a handkerchief, which ties under the chin...

French Hats, December 1802

At this time, hats of all types were generally made to fit close to the head. Brims were quite small, if existent at all, secondary in design to the crown which held all the...

Hats, June 1803

"Lustre straws, either all lustre or mixed with chip or Leghorn, chiefly of the small Obi shape, are among the spring novelties. The other hats the most general are the simple gypsy, called the merry gypsy, of plain white chip...

Hats, September 1803

"Turban of blue crape, ornamented with white ostrich feathers. Cap of white lace, with a deep lace border, ornamented with a wreath of roses...

Hats, September 1804

"A morning cap of white lace, with a purple Barcelona handkerchief pinned over the back part, and tied under the chin....

Hats, December 1804

"A large hat of plaid silk, turned up before, and ornamented with feathers....

Hats, January 1805

"A morning cap of white lace over coloured silk, with a full lace border. A deep frill of white lace round the neck...

Hats, June 1805

"Fig. 1.--Cap of lace and crape, bound and trimmed with primrose colours...

Mourning Hats, September 1805

"No. 1--A hat of black crape, the crown made full, and the front turned up, ornamented with black feathers. No. 2--A black chip hat, turned up in front. No. 3--A hat of black silk, trimmed with crape, and ornamented with flowers....

Half-Mourning Hats, October 1805

"Hat of white or grey satin, turned up in front, and ornamented with a plume of black feathers...

Hats, January 1807

"Straw Bonnet trimmed with Green Ribbon--Silk Pelisse of the same Colour...

Hats, February 1807

In the history of hats, I like to think of 1807 of the Year of the Tunnel Hat. During this year, and for the most part ONLY this year, bonnet brims took on a tunnel shape....

Hats, July 1808

"A cap of white satin and lace, finished with a long end over the left side, trimmed all round with lace, and ornamented with a wreath...

Hats, November 1808

"A cap of plaid riband and white satin, with a narrow lace border, ornamented with bows of riband and a flower...

Hats, May 1809

"1. Chapeaux et Capotes de Taffetas. 2. Chapeaux de Paille. 3. Bonnet de Lingère."...

Hats, June 1809

"No. 1. Wimple, or hood of transparent gauze bordered with silver. No. 2. Silver net dress cap lined with purple silk; silver cord and tassels...

Hats, July 1809

"A cap of yellow crape and figured ribbon; a bunch of flowers in front ... A hat of striped satin, ornamented with an ostrich...

Hats, August 1809

"A large Spanish hat of white chip, bound with blue, and trimmed with blue feathers...

French Hats, April 1810

"Chapeau de Gros de Naples, à jours en Tulle et Echarpe." Gros de Naples is a thick silk fabric. Here, it is inset with tulle and tied at the crown with a...

Hats, October 1810

"A bonnet of white crape, embroidered round the edge with orange, and ornamented with a white flower in front...

French Hats, January 1811

The pluche trimming seen on several of these hats was a popular material for the winter months as it often served as a sort of faux fur...

Parisian Head Dresses, April 1812

"Imperial bonnet of Maria Louisa blue, ornamented with straw-colour French trimming; three bows of ribband, the same colour as the bonnet, in front of the crown, which is high and spiral...

Hats, December 1814

"A melon cap, made of white satin quilted, with narrow bead trimming inlet, ornamented with a full cluster and wreath of flowers, blended with a quilled border of lace...

French Hats, April 1815

"1. Chapeaux de Gros de Naples." Gros de Naples was a stout, durable silk, sometimes corded, similar to silk taffeta...

Hats, January 1816

"A hat of white Chinese figured velvet, with a quilling of fine blond next the face; tied with Murray coloured ribbands...

Hats, July 1816

"Parisian Hats: No. 1 represents straw hats, some having coloured silk crowns, some tied à la Marmotte, with silk or lace half handkerchiefs or with ribband; all ornamented with flowers formed of Indian corn and chicory, lilac intermingled with roses, or vine leaves intermingled with maiden hair....

Parisian Head Dresses, January 1817

"A plain straw bonnet, lined and trimmed with lilac. The crown of a round shape, and a moderate height; the front is large and ornamented with lilac ribbon : the crown is decorated at the top and bottom to correspond....

Parisian Bonnets, August 1817

"White straw bonnet, round crown, a moderate height; the brim is very deep. The trimming is plaid ribbon, of which there is a large knot on the summit of the crown, and a bunch of fancy flowers placed on one side...


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