Fashions of London and Paris, November 1808.
“Head Dresses.”
Starting sometime in 1806, the prints of hats in this magazine (which began publication in 1798) now included a larger central figure, called a half-length, that showed, and described, the top portion of an ensemble.
Note that only the hat on the central figure is actually called a hat. That is because it has a brim. All four other head-dresses are called caps, as they are made entirely of fabric and have no brim.
The print is described in the magazine as follows:
“No. 1.–A cap of plaid riband and white satin, with a narrow lace border, ornamented with bows of riband and a flower.
“No. 2.–A cap of blue riband and lace, with a flower in front.
“No. 3.–A Spanish spencer of shot sarsnet, with a hat to correspond. A scarf shawl, crossed behind.
“No. 4.–A cap of coloured satin, with a border of vandyked lace; a flower in front.
“No. 5.–A cap of pink satin, or sarsnet, with a double border of deep white lace; a flower in front, between the two borders.”