French Hats, January 1811

Journal des Dames et des Modes, Paris, January 10, 1811.

In 1811, hat brims continue to become slightly more pronounced, but nothing like the huge brims to be seen in another five years.

The pluche trimming seen on several of these hats was a popular material for the winter months as it often served as a sort of faux fur.

“1. Casque de Velours.” This is a velvet hat in the form of a military helmet.

“2. Chapeaux de Satin, garni en Pluche.” These seven hats are made of satin trimmed with pluche, which is a plush fabric with a deeper pile than velvet. All seven are of a slightly different shape and style, demonstrating the variety of ways pluche trimming could be applied.

“3. Toque de Satin et Velours.” I’m not sure why this particular hat is named a toque, which is typically is a close-fitting turban-like hat without a brim. This one has a brim, and is not unlike a couple of other hats in this print, so the designation of toque is puzzling.

“4. Capotes de Velours.” These three hats are named as capotes, which were hats with a stiffened brim and a fabric crown. In this case, all the crowns are made of velvet.

“5. Chapeau de Satin et Velours.” This hat is made of white satin and trimmed in red velvet. It also has a red velvet kerchief tied over the crown.

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