Morning Dress, August 1813

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, August 1813.

“Morning Dress”

The description below describes the pelisse as “lemon-coloured,” yet in all the copies of this print I have seen (I own 2 copies) the pelisse is shown as white. Only the ribbons around the waist and on the cap are yellow. Indoor morning dresses, or “domestic costumes,” were almost always entirely white, so I suspect the instructions to the colorists followed that tradition, either ignoring or correcting the text in the magazine.

The pelisse shown here is interesting as it is part of a casual domestic costume and not an outer garment worn outdoors.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“MORNING OR DOMESTIC COSTUME. A petticoat of jaconet of cambric muslin, with a Cossack coat, or three-quartered pelisse, of lemon-coloured sarsnet, with vandyke Spanish border of a deeper shade. Full sleeves, confined at the waist [sic: wrist] with a broad elastic gold bracelet; confined, also at the bottom of the waist, with a ribband en suite. Foundling cap of lace, with full double border in front, confined under the chin with a ribband the colour of the pelisse, and tied on one side: a bunch of variegated carnations placed on the left side. Gloves and Roman slippers of lemon-coloured kid.”


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