Morning Walking Dresses, November 1796

Gallery of Fashion, November 1796.

“Morning Dresses.”

It’s very unusual to see two models of such different heights. Even without the bonnet, the model on the right is at least half a head taller than the other model.

The dress on the left is tucked up behind in the style of a Robe à la Polonaise, a style that had been popular in the 1770s and 1780s. There is no mention of that style in the description or of the tucked-up skirt.

Both models are wearing gold hoop earrings that are painted in bright gold metallic paint, impossible to see online but very pretty in person.

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“Fig CXVIII. The toupee frizzed full in the front, and combed straight on the sides; the hind hair in ringlets; part of the toupee and part of the hind hair drawn through a string of coquelicot beads on the crown of the head. Round dress of fine India calico; short sleeves, trimmed with a chintz border; small cape upon the shoulder, trimmed with narrow lace. Broad lace tucker. Gold hoop-and-ring ear-rings. Coquelicot coloured shoes. Light blue gloves.

“Fig. CXIX. The front hair combed straight; the hind hair in ringlets. Cabriolet bonnet of grey silk, trimmed with purple and coquelicot coloured riband. Round dress of fine calico, the train scolloped; push-up sleeves; double plaiting of lace round the neck. Plain muslin cloak, trimmed with a printed lawn border; double cape of the same. Gold hoop-and-ring ear-rings. Green shoes and gloves.”

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