Opera Dress, May 1814

Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, May 1814

“Opera Dress.”

The model sits in a box at the opera, following along in what looks to be a musical score in her hand. It must be a sad opera, as she appears to be wiping her eyes!

The print is described in the magazine as follows:

“A white sarsnet of worked muslin worn over a white satin half-train frock, the fleur de lis embroidered round the bottom of the dress; long sleeve, loose and unconfined, the cuff ornamented to correspond with the bottom of the dress; a plain back, to fit the shape, and the fullness of the train extended round the waist, rather beyond the back; the front raised to a point in the center of the bosom, and in similar form meets a narrow shoulder-strap, headed with a double quilling of lace, which terminates at the corner of the bosom. A shell lace tippet, open in front and tied with a rich military cordon of silk, with bullion tassels. White velvet belt, edged with corresponding embroidery, and clasped in front with a pearl or diamond ornament. The hair, combed smoothly over and carried down low to the back of the head, is loosely twisted, and falls in careless curls over the neck, separated on the centre of the forehead by a pearl ornament of the fleur de lis: it is worn much over the face, in dropping curls, extending below the ear. Stocking with lace clocks, Slippers of white velvet or satin, with silver ornaments. White kid of Limerick gloves. Pearl or diamond necklace and bracelets; ear-rings to correspond. An occasional shawl of India silk.”

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