Edwina favored simple white muslin morning dresses when working on the magazine.
The Fashions of London and Paris, July 1798.
This print is from the first year of publication of this magazine, which was completely dedicated to fashion. There were 5 – 7 fashion prints in each issue. The cover states the magazine’s objective: “Intended for the Use of Milliners, Mantua-makers, and Ladies of Quality and Private Families, who direct the Formation of their own Dresses.”
This print is described in the magazine as follows:
“Fig.I: Chinese Hat, made of bamboo cane, and red or other coloured Chenille; with blue ribbon round the crown, blue rosette in front, and tied down with blue ribbon. White or coloured muslin gown, full epaulettes.
“Fig. II: Curricle robe, as described in our last Numbers. Cloak of Patent Lace, trimmed all round. LeBrun’s* Patent Curricle or Shun-shade Bonnet, or of other materials in the same shape.
* Sold by Madame LeBrun, the Patentee, in Berkley Square; and by Messrs, Jackson and Corston, Ludgate Hill.”